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Not So Much Fun With Prophecy

Dennis Garvin
Dennis Garvin

Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion…

                                                                        Admiral James ‘Ace’ Lyons

Political correctness can be so entertaining but it also influences otherwise intelligent people to commit tactical errors that are suicidal.

I am talking about the current gentleness regarding American society’s approach to Islam.  Never before in the history of our country have we fecklessly invited into our society people from countries that are open in their hostility to our way of life; people espousing a philosophy (Islam) that condemns our society.

We welcome them to America and encourage them, in a celebration of diversity, to bring along the ethic of their homeland: routine antisemitism, worldwide apocalypse, and male chauvinism.

A liberated Muslim female is an oxymoron, yet American feminists only gently chide the peaceful Muslim husband whose wife is wrapped in the prescribed cloth.

Most of the discussion about Biblical prophecy nowadays pertains to the Old Testament prophecies that were fulfilled by Jesus Christ.  There are others, however, that are relevant to our modern era, especially in regard to Islam.

Because the Old Testament preceded Islam by hundreds of years does not mean that there is no information regarding its adherents.  I want to look first at Genesis.  By way of introduction, however, I need to state that:

  1. Genesis was presumed to have been written around 1400 BC
  2. Islam’s prophet, Mohammed, was born around 570 AD.
  3. Muslim heritage states that they are descendants of Abraham, through Ishmael (Jews descended through Isaac.)
  4. Multiple verses from the Koran attest to the truth of the Old Testament, specifically the books, including Genesis, that were written by Moses. The Dead Sea scrolls, containing fragments of all OT books (except Esther) dating to 100 BC, confirm that the Genesis we currently read is faithful to the Genesis available at the time of Islam’s beginning.

Okay, so let’s check our book of Genesis to find a prophecy that will refer to Islam, the religion of the descendants of Ishmael.  Understand that a prophecy applied to any man in scripture, pertains to his offspring.

…you shall have a son. You shall name him Ishmael. For the Lord has heard your misery. He will be a wild donkey of a man; His hand will be against everyone And everyone’s hand against him, And he will live in hostility toward

All his brothers.      Genesis 16:11-12

How accurate is this prophecy?  Let me ask you:

  1. Is there is a religion that is safe from militant Islam? No, militant Muslims even kill each other.
  2. Did you know that Beirut Lebanon used to be referred to as the ‘Paris of the middle east,’ because of its art, sophistication, learning, and tolerance? Militant Islam came in and changed all that.
  3. Did you know that the Paris of the west (the one in France) is now experiencing what Israel has experienced for the 67 years of its existence, thanks to militant Islam?
  4. Are you able to find a single place on the planet where there is militant, deadly conflict that does not include a Muslim contingent?
  5. Seven Muslims have received the Nobel Peace Prize. Three of them were women who were working to correct the unfairness toward women and children in their respective nations.  One award winner was Arafat, head of the PLO and a self-admitted terrorist.  One winner, Anwar Sadat, received the award for making peace with Israel.  He was assassinated by his Egyptian countryman for this intolerable act.

I think we might conclude that this prophecy has a degree of accuracy.

Historically, nuclear weapons have been held by rational governments who understood the doctrine of ‘mutually assured destruction.’  While we currently have concerns about North Korea and their deranged leader, it would appear that he has been restrained from local use of nuclear weapons (enlightened self-interest).

It would also appear that his allies have hampered his ability to develop missile technology capable of long-range nuclear delivery (say to the USA).  It can’t be an accident that North Korea’s ally, China, has this capability and continues to be unable (unwilling?) to provide it to this rogue nation.  How odd, then, that the USA is helping Iran develop nuclear power, while knowing that North Korea is also helping out.

The difference here is that Iran is Islamic.  Their leader, Ahmadinejad, believes in the heritage of Islam, including the 12th Imam’s appearance, to usher in the worldwide Caliphate (Islamic domination of the whole world).  This must be preceded by a time of worldwide apocalypse: strife and destruction of society.  This can be accomplished by nuclear weapons. Iran’s leader is worse than a lunatic; he is a zealot who will happily bring the world down around everyone’s ears, including his own.

Okay, so how does this relate to Biblical prophecy?  Let’s look at Zechariah, recalling that this Bible book was written around 520 BC.  This preceded, by 1000 years, the writing of the Koran, and the acceptance of a world apocalypse ushering in worldwide domination by Islam.  This book also preceded the discovery of gasoline or any explosive material.  Zechariah relates what will happen when the nations of the world attack Israel:

Their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet. Their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths…  Zechariah 14:12

There was no weapon and no illness at the time of this prophecy that could have created such a death.  In fact, no weapon devised by man could create such a picture except that of a nuclear exposure.

We can also learn much from what is Not included in the Bible.  When you search all the references to Armageddon and a final battle among mankind, you are able to identify several combatant nations.

It is interesting to me that the United States is decidedly absent.  This could only mean that the USA has abandoned Israel, or that we side with the attackers, or that we have been destroyed or threatened into inaction for fear of nuclear reprisal.

This apocalypse is being brought to you, courtesy of a somnolent federal government that ignores the Bible, history, and loyalty to our allies.

Dennis Garvin


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