On the ninth anniversary of his first campaign run for President, Mr. Obama was back at the Illinois legislature to refresh his talents of oratorical sermonizing. Selecting the topic of politics, the President observed that, “It’s been noted, often, by pundits, that the tone of our politics hasn’t gotten better since I was inaugurated; in fact, it’s gotten worse. There’s still this yawning gap between the magnitude of our challenges and the smallness of our politics.” Surely this can’t be a mystery for the President for he is the politico at the pinnacle of power and persuasion. Mr. Obama is the artful winner of the contest of who is the most biased, the most loquacious, the most deceptive Chief Executive of all time.
Isn’t he the person that promised the most transparent administration in history? Didn’t he promise us that the public would have five days to look at every bill that crossed his desk? Why did he promise to close Guantanamo when he had no grasp of the implications of such a foolish decision? Wasn’t it our President that was forced to admit that shovel-ready jobs was a great colloquialism without foundation in fact? Wasn’t he going to end the politics that breeds division, conflict and cynicism? In fact our Commander-in-Chief is an imposter that leaped from the sidewalks of Chicago into the Oval office on the pretense of creating a national and world ambience of friendship and peace. His words were from his scheming mind, not his ‘virtuous’ heart.
On January 20, 2009 and reaffirmed on January 21, 2013, President Obama pledged to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Contrary to that pledge, our President has frequently chosen to bypass Constitutional authority, ignoring the legislative and judicial branches of government at every opportunity. Do we remember that in his State of the Union address in 2010, he belittled the justices for their decision in the case of Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission (FEC)? On February 9 of this year, he was openly critical of the Supreme’s decision to disallow EPA rulings on carbon emissions.
Saul Alinsky, born in 1909 wrote a book entitled, ‘Rules for Radicals’ in 1971, a year prior to his death in 1972. The main theme of his work, personified by his book featured the uplifting empowerment of the poor. This theme is inspiring in result, but insulting in the mechanism for reaching the goal. Alinsky, graduate of The University of Chicago and an advocate of twisting the political power structure in favor of the poor and disenfranchised surely was a model for Bill Ayers of the ‘Weather Underground’ of the 1960’s, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama.
While it is a commendable and towering objective to place power into the hands of the poor, it is equally wise to teach them not how to revolt, but how to excel personally and as a band of like-minded citizens. The first step is education about priorities, choices of lifestyles and self-determination linked with singular and common goals. Alinsky’s methods were verbalized like this, “Pick your target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it” and “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.”
Following are eight rules for toppling the national political power structure allowing it to fall into the hands of the ‘disenfranchised.’ While often attributed to Alinsky, these precepts are probably a compendium of statements by those who might emulate him: Control healthcare; increase poverty and debt; control firearms; offer housing, food and income; free education; suppress religion and engender class warfare. It isn’t hard to connect socialism with the policies and actions of the Obama administration’s emerging classes: A. The Elite Government Class and B. Everyone Else (serfs).
Consider the evidence: Obamacare as now constituted is headed for total government control called single payer. Food stamps (SNAP) are going to almost 47 million recipients at a cost of over $74 billion. The national debt just eclipsed $19 trillion that, if made into a patchwork of dollar bills would cover the state of Tennessee.
Folks, the trap is being set; WE the people must spring the trap on Inauguration Day Friday, January 20, 2017.
Dick Baynton