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The Story of Commodore Duck

Lucky Garvin
Lucky Garvin

His story went like this: he wanted to sell his boat and buy another, so he spent the day tuning the motor of his old boat and taking it out for a run.

Arriving back at the dock he heard a quacking that seemed to come from a hole in the bow of the boat. A male mallard flew off the dock.

Was this Daddy?

Looking in, the man saw nothing, but, mindful of the season, he surmised that a mother mallard had made a nest and laid eggs in that hole. But he could see nothing, so he closed the hole with a cushion, hooked up his old boat and drove to the marina to pick up his new boat. He felt that as long as mom and babies were together at the marina – water nearby – all would end well.

Nearing his destination however, the cushion blew off, and mom escaped – but she was now at the marina and would find her babies.

He took his new boat back to his dock and who should be waiting there for him? Momma. She flew up on the new boat and searched and searched for her eggs. Failing to find them, she flew into the water and began beating her head against the surface of the lake!

Back he drove to the marina, picked up his old boat and took it home. Now he could hear the cheeps of five newly hatched eggs. One by one, he set them in the water until all five were paddling behind mom and out of sight.

Now, bring the old boat back to the marina.

The story’s not over yet. The next day he got a call from the marina. There was a cheeping from the bow of his old boat! He hurried back and rescued the final hatchling. He stopped and bought food, and hurried to the lake. Mom and her brood were long gone.

Long story short, he bought the final duckling to us where he is doing quite well.

Here is a man with a special heart!

Lucky Garvin

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