When preaching about bad guns recently, it was noticed on TV and recounted in newspapers that the President shed tears when speaking about the deaths of Connecticut school children in 2012. That event as well as many others across this country has elicited sympathy and condolences for those children and adults lost as a result of the abhorrent behavior of those who would carry out such evil acts. It is a crushing blow for a family to lose a child, a Mom or Dad or any other relative or friend to such depraved irrational carnage.
While it is touching to see our President shed tears over the deaths in Connecticut, it is curious that no tears were shed by Mr. Obama or Attorney General Eric Holder when the death of Border Agent Brian Terry was reported in 2010. The Attorney General, when questioned even refused to apologize to the Terry family regarding the murder of Agent Terry. The family didn’t rate a phone call from any government official. Kate’s law never saw the sunlight of passage when the bill was proposed to memorialize the random murder of Kate Steinle on July 1, 2015 in ‘sanctuary city’ San Francisco. Does anyone note the discrimination when tears do not issue forth when Planned Parenthood crushes a developing human being?
The President’s executive order issued recently attacked guns. That edict is superficial, cosmetic and phony as a three-dollar bill. Why are sanctuary cities allowed to exist? They are simply illicit playgrounds for those mayors, city councils and local officials who disregard the law in behalf of many offenders who live in the dark shadows of anonymity. Why does ‘our’ federal government flaunt existing immigration laws? Why do we tolerate random abortions-even partial-birth-homocide? The truth is that our republic at the behest of the Top Dog of what used to be representative government has become the private domain of the Top Dog; detestable beyond measure.
We all must realize that this President selects the items for enforcement that he personally considers obtrusive and overlooks violations of federal laws that he personally deems acceptable. Alabama’s Chief Justice just ruled that Alabama would not recognize same-sex marriage. Will this decision recently announced in Montgomery stand or will the feds take up the challenge? Consider that both Colorado and Washington (state) voted to allow distribution and sales of marijuana. These industries seem to be flourishing in both states without intervention by federal officials and agents who represent laws of the land. As we read in newspapers regularly, some illegal aliens qualify to stay in our land of opportunity indefinitely while millions of other illicit sojourners are simply ignored.
Something that we should all be concerned with is the dichotomy of the Keystone Pipeline project. This is the pipeline that would extend from Canada to the Gulf Coast where oil could be refined for use domestically or for export; thousands of permanent and construction jobs would be added. While Mr. Obama has quashed the Keystone XL pipeline project, it is intriguing that U.S. taxpayers will be asked to help finance an African pipeline that extends from Kenya’s Rift Valley to coastal Lamu, an $18 billion project. U.S. Ambassador Robert Godec has told Kenya’s energy minister that the U.S. will help with the financing. This sounds like bias by our leader against his own people.
Another misdirection that Mr. Obama has executed is the acceptance without valid inquiry into the lives of Syrian refugees. Since the problems with refugee men attacking women on New Year’s eve in various cities of Germany, we’ve heard no comments from our feckless leader. Are we still on track to take in thousands of undocumented Syrian ‘refugees?’ Our President apparently has no interest in protecting the interests of U.S. citizens but bids a hearty welcome to the unknowns from abroad.
Maybe President Obama is going for a trifecta. Another Nobel Peace Prize for establishing one-way relations with Cuba, a one-way nuclear deal with Iran, the legacy of the $1.5 trillion annual cost for controlling world temperatures and ascension to the position of Secretary General of the UN, the foremost body of debate and inaction the world has ever known; arrogance unlimited.
Dick Baynton