Did our President mention in his lecture to his serfs (that’s you and me) on a recent Sunday night that many Muslim men are engaged in multiple marriage or polygamy? It is possible that some of the dependents of refugees will be multiple wives, a violation of our domestic laws. Did Mr. Obama mention that most of these refugees will undoubtedly become enrolled in some form(s) of welfare? With about half of our population receiving government welfare checks, adding thousands more recipients to the tax-based welfare rolls the costs will be staggering.
Mr. Obama called out Republicans for their inability to cope with TV moderators in a recent political debate and suggested that those same candidates fear the refugee women and children. But Mr. Obama didn’t explain that there are also overwhelming numbers of fit young men among these refugees that match the physical profile of Sayed Rizwan Farook, who with his wife recently annihilated 14 and injured more than 20 innocent county employees in San Bernardo, CA.
It was probably an oversight that Mr. Obama in his recent ‘sermon to the people’ didn’t mention that many of these refugees treasure their Quran (as they should) but also believe in ‘honor killings’ and other provisions of Sharia law. The President cautioned us about harboring ‘Islamaphobia’ or being guilty of ethnic profiling. This is the same man that was sympathetic to his followers who failed to pass ‘Kate’s Law’ named after Kathryn Steinle who was ‘accidentally’ murdered by a felonious undocumented Hispanic alien in San Francisco, a ‘sanctuary city.’
This is the same national leader that arbitrarily altered the healthcare law to accommodate some participants; this is the President that allows participants in healthcare subsidies to report their incomes without verification. Mr. Obama refuses to enforce some elements of immigration law because he doesn’t agree with parts of the law. When he wants to appoint crony nominees to high-level government jobs, Obama waits until he can declare the Senate on recess. Mr. Obama places his daughters in private school but denies vouchers to those families that he (artificially) supports in Washington D.C.
In his ‘pronouncements to the peons’, you have probably noticed that the word terrorist and Islam or Muslim is not mentioned in the same phrase or sentence. In lieu of discussing the details of crimes committed by terrorists, he passes responsibility to others by making critical remarks about gun laws (of which we have hundreds, perhaps thousands in states and federal). When Mr. Obama is questioned about the assorted wars in progress, he doesn’t mention his red-line in Syria, the withdrawal of troops in Iraq or the trading of five Islamic terrorists for a turncoat US former soldier. Phillip Haney, a founding member of Homeland Security was ordered to stop working on identification of high risk mosques, but the IRS was guilt-free from delaying approvals of conservative non-profits.
Consider this about ourselves: security agencies like state police, FBI and other government organizations maintain meticulous records on criminal and aberrant behavior. But we are being told that thousands of undocumented refugees will be coming to our cities and towns to absorb our welfare benefits. Many will want to bring their own culture that is counter to ours. What should we expect in return for the accommodations we have accorded these émigrés?
When past migrations of forsaken hordes of desolate people came to our shores after standing in line at the coastal entry like New York’s Ellis Island, these outcasts learned our language, got work cleaning streets (White Wings of NYC) and embarked on careers of bricklaying, carpentry and shoe repair. Many offspring of immigrants became great leaders like Fiorello Henry LaGuardia who became a famous NYC mayor and Amadeo Pietro Giannini, founder of Bank of America.
The United States is a melting pot by choice by culture and by law. But we keep getting pushed to accept lawlessness in lieu of valid immigration papers, speaking foreign tongues in schools instead of learning our language, interminable welfare and healthcare benefits without working to enhance economic status and one-way tolerance without recompense. And millions of us apparently don’t care or don’t recognize our breathless national descent into oblivion.
Dick Baynton