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Nelson Calls for Rosen to Step Down From CTB

Steve Nelson ran an unsuccessful campaign for State Senate in the 19th District as an independent candidate, with improvements to US-220 between Roanoke and Greensboro his major campaign plank. Nelson, a conservative who ran in large part, he says, because he was unhappy with the way retiring incumbent Ralph Smith opted not to run just before the filing deadline – paving the way for legislative aide David Sutterlein to secure the Republican nomination and eventually the senate seat – wants the 220 roadbed rebuilt as close as possible to interstate standards. Eventually that corridor could be the location for I-73.

The Commonwealth Transportation Board makes the final decision about what state funds the Department of Transportation will spend on road projects and where it will be spent. Roanoke City Councilman Court Rosen – cited for marijuana possession in October and now being investigated by a special prosecutor after he was found with prescription drugs belonging to someone else – is an at large member of the CTB. Nelson thinks Rosen should step down.

“He’s not focused on his job,” said Nelson; Rosen was appointed by Governor Terry McAuliffe to that position. Asked about Rosen after he was found smoking marijuana in a parking lot on Franklin Road, the Governor said he would not ask Rosen to step down. McAuliffe said if he asked everyone who had ever tried marijuana to step down he wouldn’t have very many people left on those appointed boards. “I thought it was petulant on his part … the Governor’s remarks were flippant at best,” said Nelson, who has also contacted Chambers of Commerce and local politicians about his views.

“His behavior is irresponsible and reeks of immaturity,” said Nelson, who feels Rosen would lack the credibility to advocate for local transportation project funding. “The first thing” others would think about was Rosen’s brush with the law over the drug charges; “I don’t think that sits well for this district.”

Nelson has a four point plan to jump start changes to the US-220 corridor, which he sees as a major economic development accelerator for the Roanoke Valley. That plan includes straightening out some of the sharper curves on 220, creating interstate-level shoulders and building a new three mile stretch of roadbed just before the North Carolina state line. “We can’t wait for 2030,” said Nelson of the latest target date for I-73 construction. “These are just simple solutions.”

Rosen can’t be too focused right now on his CTB duties as he battles drug charges, adds Nelson – who would like to be appointed to that seat himself. “I’ve got the business and economic background … I’m very well qualified.” Nelson also says his college background in business administration and a wide range of experiences – including mixing with world leaders like England’s former Prime Minister Tony Blair – is a background he would like to bring to the CTB. He’s also contacted state delegates and senators about replacing Rosen.

Nelson is calling for “better leadership” and a change on the Commonwealth Transportation Board locally (William Fralin is the Salem District representative). A change is in order he said. “I think he should resign, he doesn’t represent our district,” states Nelson.

Gene Marrano

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