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The Earth As Lure for War

Dick Baynton
Dick Baynton

A TV announcer declared that the terrorist attacks on Friday, November 13 in Paris with 130 killed and more than 350 injured has changed the world.

The world is changing every day.

Nearly a month ago, Boko Haram terrorists attacked mosques in northeastern Adamawa state in Nigeria killing 42 people and injuring 80. On Tuesday, November 16, 32 were killed and 80 were wounded at a Nigerian truck stop. The press refers to Boko Haram members as extremists. These savages are psychopathic sociopathic assassins and rapists, not simply extremists.

Founded in 2002 and following the Sunni sect of Islam, this organization is active in Nigeria, Chad, Niger and northern Cameroon. Since 2009, these madmen have killed more than 20,000 and displaced 2.3 million people in their quest to establish a caliphate. A caliphate is a state that is ruled by a caliph who is considered a successor of the prophet Muhammad; a theocracy presumably adhering to the social, cultural and legal dictums of the Quran.

Speaking from Turkey about the November killings in Paris, our President said that the war against ISIS suffered a setback from the Paris slaughter. This was a setback? The liberal war against ISIS is a war of words, with about the same veracity as the ‘war on women.’

The world has changed since the Beirut barracks disaster killing 299 Marines and French military in October 1983, the Trade Towers bombing of February 1993 killing six and injuring 1,000, the attack on the USS Cole killing 17 and wounding 39 sailors in October of 2000 and the destruction of The World Trade Towers in NYC on 9/11/2001.

The names of al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram, Taliban and other terrorist groups keep popping up. We have not heard or read about Catholic, Lutheran or Southern Baptist extremists or terrorists. Some of the Christian people that have appeared in the news seem to be in jails of countries that are predominantly Muslim.

Is our President simply a Muslim sympathizer? From recent and past comments, it seems the President considers Republicans a greater threat than ISIS.

Mr. Obama speaks of a coalition of many countries and recently mentioned 65 nations. That is almost exactly 1/3rd of the number of members of the UN (193). With that kind of backing, we should be able to do more than take napkins and turkey sandwiches to the fighters in uniform. We will never run out of ammunition for strafing the bad guys but sometimes the fighter bombers return to base with their payloads.

Experts including present and former military and members of our elite investigative services mention that something very serious and deadly could happen here in the USA. If such an event would occur, we could refer to it as ‘workplace violence’ just as we could call a dill pickle a cucumber. But the explosion would still be a terrorist act and the cucumber would still be a dill pickle.

Putin of Russia and Hollande of France have taken the initiative for a coalition to destroy ISIS; not just words but actions. Even if the US is hit with another disaster, our President may not take definitive action. Mr. Obama’s contempt for extensive military action suggests that in the case of an ISIS attack on US soil, he might have Security Advisors Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes call Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi and talk about jobs for some of the ISIS fighters. Or maybe the President could have a beer summit and converse about the dangers of wearing suicide vests. ISIS could be warned that President–Elect H.R. (Her Royal) Clinton could be upset when she takes office and is apt to make some nasty threats.

Some of the foregoing comments are satirical, but no more dishonorable than a President announcing to the world that our strategy against ISIS is working. These words are no more disparaging than saying that ISIS is ‘contained’ on the day that hundreds of victims were killed and injured in Paris. And these remarks are no more ridiculous than resisting increases in the military budget while the pungent odor of exploding bombs and repulsive visions of beheadings could lead to WWIII.

Dick Baynton

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