Regarding our Roanoke County Sheriff, I think 23 years is enough! Roanoke County has had 3 Sheriffs since 1992 but only one of them first earned the job by being elected. Instead, Democrats have rigged the timing of their resignations or retirements so that hand-picked Democrat successors could take office for a while, before an election can occur. Instead of elections by the people, the path to the Sheriff’s office has been appointment and
The Democrats are running the same play this year, by appointing Democrat Charlie Poff. They are hoping their “Keep our Sheriff” signs will fool you into thinking this NON-ELECTED Democrat was previously chosen by the voters.
He was NOT.
The Democrats’ coronation system of machine politics prevents real reform in our Sheriff’s office, that is supposed to serve the citizens of Roanoke County. It is time citizens elected their own Sheriff. I plan to support Republican Eric Orange for Sheriff.
Samuel J Wallin
Roanoke, VA