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Take A Close Look at Dye-Edwards on VT Educational Costs

Last week the Honorable Senator John Edwards wrote a letter to Virginia Tech’s Collegiate Times detailing his 1997 proposal to mitigate the cost of higher education so that students would pay 30% of college costs and the state covers the remaining 70% .  This week, one of his commercials stated he had a new plan to help slow the rising cost of college tuition.

Neither tells the whole story.

My question:  Senator Edwards what action did you take during the intervening 223 months – when you did not have a challenger for your 21st District seat in Richmond?

Since 2002, VT’s state provided budget has decreased drastically each year.  Last year it was 11.5% less than in 2008, thanks to Edwards’ Senate.  Every year since 2002, VT’s budget cuts have forced a tuition increase – one year saw a 20% increase.

These increases were due to the Virginia Senate cutting higher education funding.  Either Senator Edwards voted for such cuts, or he was unable or unwilling to get his fellow Senators to increase funding for colleges, so students could afford to come to VT.  Either way, that’s a failure on his part.

Nancy Dye, running against Edwards, has been a member of the VT Board of Visitors since 2012.  One of Edward’s attack ads states she has raised tuition twice, putting VT out of reach for Virginia students.  Actually, Nancy Dye voted to keep the increase in tuition at a very low level: an average of 4.7%.

Additionally, while a majority of the BOV wanted to balance the VT budget on the backs of Virginia students over the last two years – increasing in-state tuition at a greater rate than out-of-state – Dr. Dye voted against such actions. But more importantly, she was able to work with other BOV members and administrators to keep the increase for ALL students at 3.9% last year.

Being a Senator is not simply voting to help your constituency.  It’s just as important to work with your fellow Senators to get them to understand and support your stance and VOTE WITH YOU.  Dr. Dye has shown she can do that. Senator Edwards – not so much.

Dr. Dye has also served on the boards for Ferrum College and Hargrave Military Academy.  She will look out for the best interests of Virginia Tech and our students. And I’m sure she won’t take helpful legislative action only once every 200 months.

A vote for Nancy Dye is a vote for VT, our students, and our education system. Don’t believe me — look at the facts that have been omitted from the commercials.

Ken Stiles
Professor – Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA

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