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Despot’s Displacement of Peoples Affects Entire World

Dick Baynton
Dick Baynton

Tectonic shift is the movement of vast plates that make up the earth’s crust. When such events take place on land areas, earthquakes cause damage to buildings and infrastructure and often death. When a shift takes place deep under the ocean, the result is a tidal wave that travels at high speed and upon hitting land explodes over the landscape for great distances, also causing damage and human casualties.

In our troubled world, we have the equivalent of tectonic shifts taking place causing displacement and relocation of millions of human beings. These abominable shifts are not caused by nature but by the actions of men, whose personal self-interest ignores, even defies the will of ordinary men and women like you and me.

These evil despots with names like Adolph Hitler, Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein, Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Putin, Omar al-Bashir, Kim Jong Un and Bashar al Assad. These depraved leaders violate the rules of human conduct by destroying lives as weeds, by directing human existence as animals and by controlling civilized activity as wardens. These tyrants also have a predisposition for conquest and subjugation. Anarchists like those named above have been guilty of causing much of the shift of populations of refugees, fugitives, evacuees, defectors and expatriates.

Men, women and children are running for their lives to find refuge; many die from drowning, disease and fatal accidents. In their struggle to be expatriates, some are slaughtered before they cross the border of their homeland. Free nations like Germany, Britain, France, Sweden the United States and other countries accommodate many of these escapees in accord with their ability to absorb additional welfare recipients. While most aliens seek employment in their new land of residence, barriers of language, specific job skills and cultural impediments often delay self sufficiency.

Note that nations like Russia, China and North Korea are not on the list of destinations for relocation by these émigrés. Tyrants are interested in new territory and new inhabitants but only those who accept serfdom, not those who seek freedom. As grim as this sounds, for each person killed or that departs the suppressed nation, the more successful becomes the tyrant with the imaginary tall hat and baton that leads the parade of oppressed subjects.  Docile vassals are easier and less expensive to manage and control.

Meeting in Brussels recently, the EU has agreed to accept on a pro-rata basis, 120,000 asylum seekers from Syria. Germany, with a population of 81 million has agreed to accept 17,000 over the next two years. However, there are 203,000 asylum applications on file in Germany from 2014. Here’s the challenge for Angela Merkel and her patriots: the population of Syria is 87% Muslim while 68% of Germans are Christian; who will build the mosques and deal with Sharia law? An equally huge problem is the level of productivity skills.

German per capita GDP is $39,500 while per capita GDP in Syria is $5,100. Occupational training will require years of effort and exorbitant sums of money. The birthrate in Germany is 8.4 per thousand population; not vigorous enough to sustain population equilibrium. Among Syrians, the birthrate is 22.5 per thousand people; enough to grow population at almost 2%. Religious and cultural changes are coming to Germany. The welfare system, healthcare, educational institutions at all levels and law enforcement and juris prudence will undergo unimaginable stresses and changes.

Here are some population shifts: somewhere between 11 and 18 million illegal aliens (aka guest workers & undocumented immigrants) are rotating among the lower 48 states. Los Angeles County, CA has a population of about 10.1 million with Hispanics representing almost 5 million. Central Americans are here mostly because of crime and corruption in their homelands.

Genocide has claimed the lives of at least 400,000 in the Darfur region of Sudan and 2.5 million Sudanese citizens have been displaced. According to UN statistics, 2.5 million Syrians have managed to leave the country and about 6.5 million citizens are displaced within their homeland. Government forces have killed an estimated 250,000.

Is the cause of all this human misery the actions of the world’s despots or is it the inaction of leadership among the world’s great nations; or both? Apathy is where courage and cowardice intersect.

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