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Senseless Political Correctness

Dick Baynton
Dick Baynton

The small city of St. Ignore, Michigan, population about 2,600, is located at the northern terminus of the Mackinac Bridge that connects Michigan’s two peninsulas.  It is a lovely town, but trouble is brewing; St. Ignace was named for Saint Ignatius of Loyola, founder of The Society of Jesus on April 19, 1541. It is high time this great nation removed any connecting thread of religious intolerance to the name of a city; we are a secular nation as mandated by authoritative government law and fiat.

The transgressions don’t stop there; at the eastern end of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, there is a larger city of 14,000 named Sault St. Marie. This community received its moniker from the likes of Father Jacques Marquette, a French Jesuit who established a Catholic Mission where Native Americans had settled more than 500 years before.

We have on our hands such a monumental problem that it could take years of time and money to pay over-worked, over-rated, under-paid and under-loved politicians and Political Correctness Officials to place us on the right path. The name ‘Redskins’ for the Washington football team has been deemed unlawful, unethical, unsavory and unacceptable to several hundred people, especially the President.

The ‘Redskins’ trademark was voided on June 18 of this year and the ruling upheld by a Federal Court upheld the ruling on July 8. After using the ‘Redskins’ logo for nearly 80 years, we are just waking up to the reality of the ethnic slur. Is it possible that Native Americans really resent their name to be associated with corrupt ‘Washington?’

Mt. McKinley has been changed to Denali.  This was so important that Mr. Obama had to forgo attendance at the funeral of an assassinated Lawman in Houston so he could commemorate the name change by having a photo-op at the base of Mt. McKinley Denali.

Time is important to our President and Black-on-White, White-on-Black, Black-on-Black and White-on-White murders are so commonplace in our liberal society we must be selective about sending detachments of FBI, staff members of the Attorney General’s office and EEOC officials to murder sites and funerals.

Readers have already figured out that the preceding paragraphs are filled with cynical satire regarding political Correctness (PC). The purpose is to acknowledge our childish responses to various stimuli. How many of us watch with interest the ads on TV that show a big toe with a football helmet and facial features selling toenail fungus? How many of us absorb the childish TV ads of walking bottles and dancing vegetables that feature some miraculous fluid? Do we succumb to the repulsive personalization of a human bladder or fat little green humanized creatures formed of mucous?

On June 17, 2015, a terrible tragedy took place at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC. The 21 year-old white assassin apparently held up a small Confederate Flag. That symbolism during this tragic event ignited indignant outrage that changed laws and brought down Rebel flags all over the nation.

 But does evidence exist that the ‘Rebel’ flag has recently incited murders elsewhere? Jumping to conclusions may be good exercise but lawmen wearing uniforms and badges haven’t fared too well after the intentions of lawmen have been called into question by the President.

When Pope Francis visits the White House this week, will the President have the temerity to speak to the Leader of the Worldwide Catholic Church about ‘the war on women’ (abortion) and the validity of requirements of Obamacare to provide contraceptives?

Will Mr. Obama explain the error of Catholic doctrine and beliefs knowing that the laws adopted by the Obama administration trump all Christian tenets? About 22% or more than 69 million Catholics live in the US and 1.1 billion of world population embraces Catholicism or about 15%.

Our government insists on adherence to healthcare laws that are contrary to religious beliefs. Why, instead don’t we celebrate the thousand or so hospitals that are religiously-based or the 22 Shriners’ Hospitals dedicated to serving children? ISIS does not recognize Christianity, political correctness or the connection between climate change and national security that Mr. Obama warns us about.

The path of political correctness leads to divisiveness, dislocation, despair and death.

– Dick Baynton

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