This may be the first administration in U.S. history that the Resident President became a ruler, the Commander-in-Chief became a General/Admiral by proxy and The Chief Executive became the Patriarch of Policy. While the voting public cast their votes for ‘hope and change’, it was not understood that the hope and change were the dreams of the winner. Mr. Obama’s dreams have been realized and the nightmare of the U.S.A. is into its seventh year of decline. The result is that the hope and change of the one don’t match up with the hopes and dreams of the many.
Compromise is a misnomer. Compromise means we’ll do it my way even if you have a better way. Majority is not what we thought; a majority of one is the rule. Transparency is a political word, contrary to the dictionary meaning of translucent, honest and frank. It politically means whatever you want it to mean; ask Jonathon Gruber the MIT Economics Professor that contributed mightily to the Healthcare Act of 2010 who considers the word transparency interchangeable with the word stupid. As in ‘stupid’ American voters. Lies are not deceptions but simply techniques to sway the thoughts and votes of stupid U.S. voters. At a 2009 town hall meeting in Raleigh, NC, the Patriarch of Policy proclaimed that, ‘If you like your doctor, you keep your doctor, if you like your healthcare plan, you keep your healthcare plan.’
It turned out that a lot of people didn’t realize they didn’t like their doctor or their healthcare plan until our paternalistic government brought them the news that they would like other doctors and healthcare plans. The healthcare law is Legacy Legislation….for Mr. Obama. Only the Democratic Party and thousands of lobbyists, lawyers and wannabes would be a party to this seminal legislation that was celebrating a minority majority of 40+% of the victims benefactors of Obamacare. House Speaker Pelosi casually mentioned that we would find out what was in the bill after it became law; how thoughtful.
Most of the bad things that have taken place during the past 6 ½ years are the fault of the former President. The war, the economy; everything was Bush’s fault. Using logic that is available only to minds that reside in the stratosphere, the troops were pulled out of Iraq in 2011. The ISIS strategy is undergoing further development. Blaming others is always justifiable under all circumstances. What happens next will be defined by history.
The Trans Pacific Trade Partnership (TPP) that was being debated in spring and early summer was voted on by congressional members without even reading it. Correction; it could be read by a Congress member if he/she went to the basement of the Capitol Visitor’s Center and read one section at a time watched over by an authorized officer without taking any notes. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, (D-CT) remarked that it was like being in kindergarten. For the definition of transparency, re-read paragraph (2) above. A gentle reminder to all readers: We are stupid and don’t need to know what’s in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) of 12 Pacific Rim nations.
A large and important portion of our sovereignty has slipped into the hands of an International Tribunal. We don’t know what promises and threats have been cast onto members of both parties to get legislation passed that is not in the best interest of our nation and its people. We don’t know what the outcomes will be of the many warped deals including Iran nuclear, healthcare, trade agreements, ‘normalized’ Cuban relations, immigration and other misguided actions
Our form of government has proven to be well conceived and fitting right up until now. The passing parade of divide and conquer, pay to play, lead from behind, oration without action, threaten & appease, corruption without consequences, mainline media a branch of government and Congress not a branch of government will run its course for another 1½ years. The next president and more than 320 million people will realize the staggering restoration this great nation must undergo following the 2017 Presidential Inauguration.
Endurance is the crowning quality, and patience all the passion of great hearts. – James Russell Lowell (1819-1891)
– Dick Baynton