There are many ‘hot-button’ issues worldwide; with the Iran nuclear ‘deal’ at the top of the list. President Obama has announced that Secretary Kerry has reached agreement with The Ayatollah and his underlings. The teleprompter is surely being loaded to convince the world’s populace and the US Congress of its pragmatic validity.
We can only presume the Nobel Peace Prize is assured for Kerry, Obama or both. In trying to disengage humanity from the risk and fear of desecration, amateur arbitrators have met the conditions of a preeminent supporter of terrorism whose leaders and citizens shout in unison, “Death to America, Death to Israel”
Asked why the four US prisoners now jailed in Iran weren’t a part of the negotiations, the President resorted to stepping on the words of ABC’s Major Garrett attempting to reduce the reporter’s question to the level of nonsense. This action fits the mold of previous selectivity of issues. The President had difficulty taking any of his time to seek the release of Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi who was held in a Mexican jail for seven months in 2014. He and his ignoble staff have veered away from discussions of the killing of Border Agent Brian Terry in 2010. The death of Border Agent Nicholas Ivie in 2012 has been a ho-hum item to both the administration and the media.
Millions of dollars have been spent by Congress trying to unravel the 9/11/2012 events in Benghazi where US Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Foreign Officer Sean Smith and Contractors Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were killed. However Bowe Bergdahl was hailed by the President as a hero and his release was achieved by exchanging five Guantanamo prisoners. Susan Rice, Obama’s National Security Advisor remarked on TV that Bergdahl had ‘served the United States with honor and distinction.’ The President has never uttered a word of explanation or apology when Bergdahl was sentenced in March 2015 to life imprisonment for the crime of desertion. The words of Mr. Obama are immutable.
Here’s a gentle caution to Obama administration boosters who execute the hyperbole of spiking the ball or taking a victory lap as a result of the nuclear deal with Iran. The children and grandchildren that you were trying to protect will be living in a world of nuclear proliferation. Your son that is now a teenager may be in college or in uniform when he is in his 20’s and your granddaughter that is now five will be in high school. The deal just struck simply postpones Iran’s nuclear plans for the next administration. This agreement was deliberately political, selfish and typical of this Chief Executive.
His policy is that lecturing about a problem solves it, his solutions are unrivaled by the advice of others and no matter how deplorable the outcome, misdirected statements and blaming others explains the variables from the original objective. This agreement will release an estimated $150 billion from sanctions for investment with Hamas, Hezbollah and other organizations that deny freedom of worship and practice the degradation of women. It is notable that some sites in Iran are off limits while other nuclear locations require several weeks notice prior to inspection by designated officials. A lot of cover-up activities can take place in that period of stalling.
Marking the end of Ramadan, 65 are dead from suicide bombings in Nigeria, 80 are dead and 50 wounded in a marketplace suicide bombing near Baghdad and recent events in Chattanooga should dampen the zeal for the national security that Mr. Obama has been boasting. FBI and other agencies are digging for a motive for the killing of five servicemen and the wounding of other people. Common logic suggests that Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez was answering the call to arms by jihadist sympathizers.
That the Iran nuclear weapons deal is a good one falls in the same realm of fantasy as “We will degrade and destroy ISIL.” Time will show that the temporary retardation of nuclear weapons in Iran is a direct path to a more unstable future for all the world. The Islamic Jihad battlefields have spread from the Middle East to Africa to Europe and now to the USA and we search for a motive; unadulterated delusion.
– Dick Baynton