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The Liberal Blame Game Forges Ahead

Dick Baynton
Dick Baynton

The current controversy about the terrible train wreck in the Philadelphia area is one of the most despicable displays of political behavior that reflects what is wrong with our great nation. We are sliding into the oblivion of politics over logic, arrogance over civil dialogue, academics over open minds and common banality over common sense.

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said that if the federal government hadn’t dragged its feet the Philadelphia train wreck would never have happened. Two days after the crash, President Obama added to the liberal blame game by saying that the crash underscores the need for updating infrastructure in the nation, implying that more money is needed. Neither Schumer, Obama or any of the other liberal boisterous noise makers bothered to mention that the train was speeding along at 106 mph in a 50 mph zone.

Here is what is really stunning. By blaming others for the fatal train wreck, liberals deflect any responsibility for the tragic accident away from the person in command of the train. In other words, divert accountability away from the person that might have some responsibility and find others to blame before any facts are known. This is the very essence of our government today; the blame game to expunge any kernel of accountability.

Obama takes no responsibility for the early withdrawal of troops in Iraq in 2011, Mr. Obama takes no responsibility for igniting the racial tensions in our country, former Attorney General Holder accepts no responsibility for the death in ‘fast and furious’, The President misled us regarding the rise of ISIS by calling them the JV team. And of course, because he has never made a mistake, he never needs to apologize or correct his characterization of these Islamic terrorists.

Every President passes along legacies of legislation, favorable and unfavorable, to successors. The succeeding Chief Executive usually accepts the challenges with aplomb and resolve, taking actions that alter the vector of the nation’s policies that are being adopted upon taking office. Mr. Obama, however, started touring several European countries talking about the mistakes the U.S. has made implicating previous leaders.

Mr. Obama has also spoken many times about closing Guantanamo where captives are being held after capture in the Middle East. The reason given for the policy to close ‘Gitmo’ has been that it was being used as a recruiting tool by terrorists. No evidence has surfaced confirming that contention. The hollow words offered by the President were apparently a convenient tool of fictitious logic.

 The evidence is quite clear however, that this President and his minions believe that problems are solved by talking about them. Has anyone ever heard of results or outcomes of the many ‘summits’ this administration has held in Washington? Like many other pontifications, sermons and lectures by this President, these verbal exchanges may be simply politically correct proclamations riding on recycled air.

We should remember the ‘red line’ drawn in 2013 regarding Syria’s use of chemical weapons. When the red line was crossed, our frenemy, Vladimir Putin stepped in and the deal was sealed that Vlad would take care of it. Current evidence suggests that Bashar al-Assad, President of Syria is now using chlorine gas to put down his own people. This time Mr. Putin may be too busy with gunfire negotiations in Ukraine to help ‘enforce’ the red line by proxy.

The cornerstone and foundation of every nation is its economy. Government is the civil regulator, the keeper of the peace and the guardian of national security. As an industrialist and employer, the government is bloated and inept. The IRS, NLRB, USDA, VA, EPA and other agencies are out of control; the Postal Service and AmTrak should be privatized.

President Obama uses compelling words of promise but takes actions of uncertainty and indifference. At home, the President and his administration are silent and seem to be intellectually above and beyond the current culture of corruption.

Now, let’s all be silent and let the NTSB do its professional job of determining the cause of the fatal train accident in Philadelphia. And pray for the victims and their families of this terrible disaster. Let’s withdraw the issue from politics and invoke love and healing.

– Dick Baynton

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