Well, it didn’t take long after our first restaurant review before we were up to our ankles in pancake batter.
While the Macado’s review resulted in positive comments about the Wild Bill Burger, my questioning the woman at the Kiwanis Pancake Day about requesting square pancakes brought out the critics galore. Check today’s mail bag for the hilarious comments.
While square pancakes seem twisted, how about Twisted Cows?
The Wild Bill show moves to the Twisted Cow Spring Break this Saturday in Rocky Mount, where the music on Hopkins Rd. from 10 am-10 pm should be as classic as my Loudmouth COWZ pants. After all, what else would you wear?
Last call for Monday night’s Charlie Moir Night at the monthly meeting of the Roanoke Valley Sports Club. A few seats remain for this special night honoring the long-time college basketball coach. Contact Maggie Drewry for information or to purchase tickets. The 5:45 social will be followed by the 6:15 dinner meeting.
Interesting fallout this week about the Tom Brady deflated footballs. I’m wondering if any referees were suspended or fined. After all, they handled and spotted these supposed deflated pigskins on each down without noticing anything.
The best fallout came from Major League Baseball who added security to avoid a similar situation with baseballs. Nothing worse than hitting a deflated baseball into the left-center field gap.
High school spring sports are already in playoff mode in the private school VIS and VACA ranks, with most VHSL teams beginning playoff rounds in late-May. Keep your eyes on The Star as our sports department rotates among key games and matches throughout the “Big-11”.
The Salem Red Sox return to action at Salem Memorial Stadium next Tuesday, May 19th for seven straight home dates through May 25th.
Back to pancakes, where we’ll first honor Australian Hayden Wilson, the undisputed champion in pancake-eating after putting down 80 flapjacks in 17 minutes. Yes, you always learn something when you read this column. The obvious next question is whether pancake speed-eating is a sport?
I only hope Hayden’s pancakes weren’t deflated in any way or spoiled with bad syrup that necessitated the famous call of “Batter Up”.
Now, as promised, several of the best comments on square pancakes in this week’s mail bag.
Dear Wild Bill: Square pancakes are real as rain. They’re commonplace in Morocco and are called rghaifs or msemens. (Marzan/ Blacksburg)
I knew I should have gone to Morocco instead of IHOP last Monday.
Dear Food Critic: If your next restaurant review for you and The Chief is IHOP, you’ll find out how international they really are. The Moroccan rghaif is exceptionally tasty. (Hazel/ Roanoke)
Don’t worry, Hazel. I’ll be testing the IHOP chefs on this one.
Dear Wild Bill: Square pancakes? No problem. Grill ’em round, then use a square cookie cutter. I’m surprised you didn’t have the smarts to figure that out. (Harold/Salem)
Harold, for some reason I’m not surprised you cooked that one up.
Until next week, I’m buying The Chief one of those fancy George Foreman griddles so we can get our “A” review game on.
In the meantime, waffle your inquiries to [email protected]