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RIDE Solutions Kicks off Cyclist Awareness Campaign

One of the five illustrated posters reminiscent of transportation in a bygone era.
One of the five illustrated posters reminiscent of transportation in a bygone era.

“Change Your Perspective” aims to increase safety as commuting by bicycle becomes more popular

RIDE Solutions, which provides alternative transportation options for the region, has kicked off a new campaign – “Change Your Perspective”—to increase safety for both cyclists and motorists and reduce accident rates.

The Roanoke Valley has been recognized as one of the best places in the country to ride a bike – not only for exercise but also for transportation. With more cyclists on the road in the spring, there’s an increase in the possibility of accidents with cars.

Created by Neathawk Dubuque & Packett (ND&P), an advertising and public relations agency, the goal of the marketing campaign is to educate both cyclists and drivers about the laws and rules of the road, and get motorists to understand that there’s a real person riding that bike – a neighbor, mother, father, boss or community leader.

“Bicyclists are not obstacles – they’re real people just trying to get to their job to make a living,” says Jeremy Holmes, program director of RIDE Solutions. “With this campaign, we hope to educate motorists about sharing the roadways with cyclists and making commutes safer for both parties.”

“ND&P is proud to support this campaign in the Roanoke region,” added Thomas Becher, senior vice president, Neathawk Dubuque & Packett. “Our goal is to educate motorists, and support cyclists’ ability to commute safely in and around the region.”

“The Roanoke Valley has increased on-road bicycle accommodations by over 600 percent in the last five years,” added Holmes.

“Recent census data shows a 150 percent increase in the number of people who cite a bicycle as their main source transportation; and of RIDE Solutions members, 18 percent say they commute by bicycle at least some of the time.”

The campaign includes five illustrated posters reminiscent of transportation in a bygone era, each showing different bicycle-vehicle perspectives.

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