To speak the truth frankly, I am somewhat ashamed of, and surprised by, myself.
Having met Cemone, [the Doberman Sabrina and I recently rescued and adopted into our home, and heard her story, the periodic rages which so crippled my youth are back again. The helpless, futile anger I used to feel was stirred to wakefulness by the callousness, the brutality this gentle, loving dog suffered.
I assumed I had conquered my rage, that ready anger which beset me at unpredictable intervals in my youth. I had reasoned my furies had been conquered, yet my infuriation today informs me they have been merely tamed, not defeated. It is from some dark forest deep within me my demons emerge seeking retribution, pay-back for whatever sub-human did this to Cemone.
I simply cannot imagine, and will not condone, any justification to treat an animal so. My god! The least you could do is relinquish your ‘pet’; relinquish it to someone with a pulse, a heartbeat, a soul. Its pity enough you are this way, but acting it out on the helpless, the innocent is simply unforgivable.
But, to the good news: Cemone is doing much better now. Her head is held high, her coat is coming back nicely, her wound is healing, and her muscular bodyweight is increasing. In the sunlight, she gambols with her new pack. Come nightfall, she sleeps long, and deep, and peaceful in her own bed. Day or night, she barks protectively when a noise interrupts our calm. I feel her love-debt to Sabrina and me is paid in full.
I look into her soft, brown eyes, and I know this: Given but half a chance, hers is a heart which would return any amount of love – be it ever so meager – with a full measure of devotion and protection; a measure ‘.… pressed down and running over.’
Given but half a chance…
– Lucky Garvin