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Divide and Conquer: The Policy of Julius Caesar Get A Second Chance

Dick Baynton
Dick Baynton

The liberal strategy of ‘divide and conquer,’ borrowed from Julius Caesar ends up as ’Misdirection and Encumber.’ Divisive issues seem to be changing the United States of America (USA) into the Subjugated States of America (SSA).

The ‘War on Women’ is a conjured up conflict that exists in the minds of those poor souls who are looking to beat drums on any issue that has the word ‘war’ in it. Then there is the inequality that gathers people that believe words but overlook the actions of the elite liberal class of political campaigners metastasized into government rulers.

Inequality reaches into the issues of race, gender, economic status, political conviction, religious faith and social esteem. Inequality consumes headlines and lectures from the political elite about laws and how they are unfair to some while favoring others. The immigration conflict exists in the minds of those politically elite who ignore the laws but will do almost anything to create voters.

Then there is the real and perceived healthcare debacle. This law, if it survives over the next few years will become the greatest redistribution of wealth in human history. Just as the healthcare law is a transfer of wealth between people, the climate change alarmists are proponents of the transfer of wealth from developed nations to the perceived needs of underdeveloped countries.

The risk of the latter transfer of value is that national sovereignty may be sacrificed because of the evolving ‘international’ laws that will trump our own federal and state statutes that apply to the Internet, firearms, air, water, soil and other natural resources. The recent outbreak of the Ebola virus is a precursor of our emerging obligations throughout the world regarding healthcare.

In this staggering mix of real and perceived problems, our nation drifts along paying $40 million to paint the CIA with a toxic brush. We spend millions trying to get the facts regarding the ‘Fast and Furious’ affair, the Benghazi disaster and the IRS scandal. Do you remember that when being interviewed in February that our President commented that there was not a ‘smidgen’ of evidence of any wrongdoing regarding Lois Lerner and the IRS? Recently 30,000 ‘destroyed’ E-mails related to Lois were recovered.

When the former head of P&G Robert McDonald took over the Veteran’s Administration in early July, we all assumed their problems would melt away. There may be evidence of improvement but some of the VA government hacks haven’t received the message. Large new VA hospital projects in Orlando, FL, New Orleans, LA and Aurora, CO are delayed and unfinished. The Colorado jobsite that will serve 83,000 veterans is temporarily closed down according to a ruling by federal judges that the VA was in breach of contract. The Civilian Board of Contract Appeals in Washington, D.C. also ruled that Kiewit-Turner, a construction partnership will be allowed to exit the project due to failed negotiations, inadequate planning and missed schedules. Some VA officials apparently couldn’t coordinate a one-car funeral procession.

The Colorado project cost was estimated to be about $1 Billion; more than $12,000 per prospective patient. Could the economics of such a program work out if the government outsourced the patient load to local healthcare professionals and facilities? It could be an alternative and veterans could already be receiving care.

Federal spending is $480 Billion over budget for the fiscal year. The total national debt just eclipsed $18 Trillion. Each citizen is encumbered with more than $56,000 of public debt. Interest cost of the debt at 1.48% amounts to about $267 Billion annually. These are true figures.

 While the President lies about many things including the current Healthcare Law, the ‘architect’ of that law has called the voters in our country stupid. Jonathan Gruber, PhD economics professor at MIT also mentioned that the bill lacked transparency that helped it get passed. Are we voters really stupid or are we gullible? Let’s elect leaders who will work tirelessly for uniting our nation and not succumb to the political promises of charismatic campaigners who aspire to divide us.

– Dick Baynton

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