The immigration debate is about much more than people moving between countries. Immigration is about illegal entry into a foreign country. Immigration is about individuals and families willing to leave their home country to locate a place where they can find a pleasant environment for family life and a rewarding occupation. Most immigrants are willing to allow their language to lie dormant while they learn a new vocabulary. Arriving in their new country, they must consider how they will accommodate the culture and social structure. The nearly one million new legal citizens in the USA in 2013 must adjust to new laws.
There are those who violate border sovereignty by slipping through porous boundaries and operate ‘in the shadows’ of their adopted country. There are a few who have evil intent of undermining the culture or interrupting the normal flow of communications, trade, religious practice or other forms of lawlessness.
All nations have laws and rules regarding the process of becoming a citizen. In the case of the United States, our lawmakers and law enforcement officials and staffs for many years have deemed it too awkward to maintain border controls for political or other trumped-up reasons. As a result border security has been lax and even lacking. The federal government has issued mixed rulings that often contradict current state and federal laws. Although there are many great nations in this perilous world, ours is the most sought after country for citizenship. Reasons for the move vary but are presumed to be the liberty and freedoms our Constitution provides and most citizens practice.
Immigration has become so contentious that it is a misunderstood political, economic, cultural and operational disaster. President Obama declares that our immigration system is broken; he is correct in that assessment. However, the broken immigration system didn’t get that way in any logical common sense way but rather by the indifference and malfunction of federal government. We often ignore the bevy of laws that relate to the admission of foreigners who want to make the USA their home.
Employing inscrutable schemes, lawmakers have decided that we need more special talent than can be recruited from the ranks of current citizens. Laws are passed that allow doctors or chemists or other highly educated or skilled people to bypass the normal citizenship modus operandi, receive special benefits and become citizens more quickly.
This sounds great but then our illustrious officials think of other tactics to bring in new immigrants who are eager to accept food stamps and a host of other government subsidies. Oh yes, they are also capable of voting legally or illegally. This procedure might be called Aggregation and Assembly of Abject Aliens (AAAA or just 4A). Evidence of these unseemly efforts is the millions of dollars spent by the feds advertising (in Spanish) how to connect with food stamps for those who cross the border (legally or illegally).
Using this approach we must bypass the Constitution and existing law to entice foreign children and adults to come and join the party. It’s not a typical party where everybody has a lot of fun. It’s the Democratic Party where votes count even when voters can’t count (or speak English). Interestingly, there are those legal scholars who believe the President can issue an Executive Order creating a ruling that all illegal aliens meeting certain minimum standards can avoid deportation. Currently the effect will be that about five million illegal aliens can emerge ‘from the shadows’ and call the USA home, temporary or permanent.
Other learned legal experts say that the President cannot issue an Executive Order that allows such a sweeping change in deportation status. After voters on November 4, 2014 asked conservatives to take over where the Obama administration for six years has failed in most areas of governance, it appears that the President is disregarding that mandate. As in other decisions during his presidency, the President has had no interest in governing for all the people believing that he has somehow been endowed with special wisdom that defies the will of the people. As observed by George Gordon Lord Byron (1788-1824), “Tyranny is the worst of treasons.”
– Dick Baynton