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US Voters are Stupid: True or False?

Dick Baynton
Dick Baynton

Several news sources are piling onto the revelation of videos of a speech by Jonathon Gruber at an ‘Honors Colloquium’ at the University of Rhode Island on November 1, 2012.  Gruber, a PhD economics professor at MIT who reportedly said, “It’s a very clever, you know, basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter.” He was referring to manipulating language and actually lying about the healthcare bill that became law in 2010. In his speech that day in Kingston, RI he also said, “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to get the thing to pass.”

Gruber has become an unwitting leaker to the President and his administration, a ratfink to Obama liberal devotees and a whistleblower to the general public. Obama stands in public and makes comments suggesting that he hardly knew the man despite his 19 recorded visits to the White House. Nancy Pelosi has indicated that Professor Gruber was a virtual stranger in spite of the past praise she has cast his way. While the warped strategy and actions were unsavory, the results are repugnant and worthy of severe disciplinary action.

All US citizens should be enraged assuming this evidence is true. Those Democrats that make an effort to defend the President who paid almost $400,000 to Gruber for being the Obamacare ‘architect’ should realign their loyalty with integrity over President or party.

This admission by Gruber confirms the depraved turpitude of this President and his proselytes. Efforts to explain away these actions that forced Obamacare down the throats of US citizens should be suspended. It is high time for Mr. Obama to accept accountability and become an active member of the Dishonored Politicians Guild (DPG). The White House has been desecrated by an imposter who vetted himself to obsequious liberals.

Other federal agencies that swallowed his bait were National Institutes of Health ($2,060,000), Department of Justice ($1,740,000) and State Department ($103,500). In addition to his creative healthcare data to Uncle Sam, he also was instrumental in selling his formulae to Michigan ($481,000), Wisconsin ($400,000), Minnesota ($330,000) as well as California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming.

While Gruber’s admissions of lies are despicable, let’s look at some of the fallout that is contemptible. This professor stands in front of hundreds of students, teaching them this bias. He makes presentations to large groups and probably receives substantial honoraria for spreading this kind of false and deceptive information. His students take tests in his classrooms and answer questions that play to his false narratives. These men and women become carriers of the toxic waste of liberalism. Professor Gruber is proxy for liberal economics and business instructors in our colleges and universities that contaminate the system of advanced knowledge. Gruber is by his words and actions, telling his students and listeners that any path to a planned goal, including falsehoods and distortions, are acceptable.

College professors seek tenure that often turns out to be mediocrity for some and job protection for all. Currently, for example the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) has cranked up a program of ‘One Faculty’ that extols the virtues of better working conditions, shared governance, economic security and academic freedom for all tenured and non-tenured part-time and full time faculty members. Not one word about higher levels of learning by students and teaching by faculty. Union members at local school levels block charter schools, defend predatory conduct by teachers and vehemently shield those members incapable of transferring knowledge to the porous minds of could-be scholars. For this members and their bozo union bosses demand more pay, less work and increased benefits.

Professor Jonathon Gruber is a product of our system of education that promotes the illusion of learning, the designation of educators as infallible and students delegated to the learning capacity of the most unfit individual taught by the most incompetent instructor.  That might explain why the USA stands 36th in the 2012 PISA survey (Program for International Student Assessment) global rankings.

– Dick Baynton

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