New Executive Director Timothy Bradshaw presents vision for future of the airport.
The Roanoke Regional Airport Commission hosted its 3rd Annual Aviation Summit at the Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center to celebrate the Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport’s history of accomplishments, update regional leaders on current projects and introduce new Executive Director Timothy Bradshaw.
“This is my home and it’s good to be home,” said Bradshaw during his first public address in Roanoke. “I know there is opportunity to have a significant impact in my community and having grown up here I look forward to that prospect and feel confident that with the help of the community the airport will continue to see success.”
In a fitting nod to the past, the 3rd Annual Aviation Summit opened with Chairman of the Board William Gust presenting a video retrospective of Airport accomplishments throughout the past 25 years. In addition to highlighting significant airport milestone’s such as the complete rehabilitation and upgrading of the entire airfield, construction of the FAA control tower and most recently, the first phase of renovations to the “new” airport terminal, all without the issuance of bonds or other debt, Gust honored the dedication and personal service of retiring Executive Director Jacqueline Shuck.
“Commission members, airport staff and the region’s travelers owe Jacqueline Shuck our gratitude for the great strides in air travel that she has made as Executive Director,” said Gust when recognizing Shuck for her 25 years of service. “Jacque has guided this airport through a time of growth and change. When you compare the airport of 1989 to the Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport we see today, you can be confident that it was the leadership and determination of Jacque that helped drive that progress forward.”
The Summit continued with comments from Chairman Gust regarding the importance and challenges of business aviation, as well as its value as a complement and alternative to commercial aviation.
Gust then introduced Jacqueline Shuck who briefly addressed those in attendance. “I appreciate the kind words and appreciation shared by Commission members and am truly honored to have served as the Executive Director of the airport which serves this amazing and beautiful region,” said Shuck. “Throughout my time at the airport, I have had the pleasure of working with a wide variety of dedicated community leaders, public officials, airport tenants, Commission members, and in particular an airport staff and volunteers who have been, and will remain the driving force behind the airport’s continued success, and for that I will be forever grateful.”
Shuck then proceeded to introduce Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport’s newly appointed Executive Director, Timothy Bradshaw, A.A.E. for his first public address in Roanoke.
A native of Roanoke, Bradshaw expressed excitement for the opportunities of air travel in his hometown. Having served in airport management positions for more than two decades, Bradshaw brings a vast working knowledge of airports thanks to his aviation experience in various cities throughout Kentucky, New Jersey and most recently Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where he served as Airport Director of the Eastern Iowa Airport.
Given the size and scope of the air service region served by ROA, there are any number of clear challenges we face, but these are not unique to this community,” said Bradshaw. “The same challenges are faced by other regional airports and while there is certainly room for growth, let’s keep in mind the many ways the Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport is already excelling.”
Bradshaw continued, “My focus for the future is on customer service and amplifying the positive and welcoming attitude that already exists inside our airport. Outside of customer service, we’ll be conducting studies and identifying targeted areas to focus our marketing efforts. I share the Airport Commission’s passion for business development and will work closely with carriers throughout the US to leverage this region’s economic appeal and business growth to bring enhanced airline services to the region.”