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Misadventures + Incompetence = Lost in the Labyrinth

Dick Baynton
Dick Baynton

With the emergence of the Ebola dilemma, the cumulative failures of the Obama administration are on display. The President and his amateur planners, problem solvers and decision makers have met the prerequisites of ‘The Peter Principle.’ This is a rule published in a book in 1969 by USC professor Dr. Laurence J. Peter that states that ‘In an organizational hierarchy, people get promoted to their level of incompetence.’ Mr. Obama and his minions like Susan Rice, John Kerry, Ben Rhodes and other participants in the ‘Obama Enigma’ have met the terms of ‘The Peter Principle.’

International leaders have been observing the juvenile and rather lackluster approach to all emergencies, disasters and even routine challenges that have confronted the present administration. Consider some of the following sophomoric decisions during Obama’s reign.

On April 27th, 2009 a secret flight over New York City was arranged for a photo-op of AF1 accompanied by two Air Force F-16 fighter jets that would provide lasting souvenir shots over Ground Zero and the Statue of Liberty. The cost of this excursion that impounded anxiety in the minds of many New Yorkers cost the taxpayers the tidy sum of $328,836 according to an AF spokesperson.

In May of 2009, Cambridge, Massachusetts police arrested Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. attracting the interest of the President. The arrest immediately became a racial issue and the President with little knowledge of the facts, called the arrest ‘stupid.’ Sgt. James Crowley of the Cambridge Police Department and Professor Gates were invited to the White House to have a beer with the Reigning President and his flunky, Vice President Joe Biden.

During his first State of The Union address on January 27, 2010, Mr. Obama called out the Supreme Court Justices sitting in front of the podium. The insult to the Supremes arose from their decision to strike down laws barring businesses from running political ads during political campaigns. The Court determined that it was a violation of their first amendment rights of free speech to prevent businesses from promoting their candidates. The President called on Congress to ‘fix the Court’s mistake.’ Many considered this condemnation of the Justices a show of arrogance and disrespect.

On April 28, 2013, the President called Jason Collins the NBA player who announced his gayness. A White House official confirmed that the President had ‘expressed his support’ and was ‘impressed by his courage.’ It is interesting that neither Mr. Obama nor Attorney General Eric Holder called the family of fallen Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry to comment on his courage before being killed in 2010 by a weapon involved with the ‘Fast and Furious’ debacle.

The US Patent and Trademark Office recently canceled the Washington Redskins trademark that has existed for more than 80 years. Grounds for this action are summarized in the word ‘disparaging.’ In both 2011 and 2013, the Chicago Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup, Professional Hockey’s prestigious annual award for the top team. Could it be selective hypocrisy that no media, no Native Americans nor Mr. Obama made any mention of changing the name of the hockey team that has been in existence since 1926? Native Americans should be more offended by the association of names with Washington, the ‘colony of corruption’ and Chicago, the ‘home of homicides.’

There is no mystery about what this President has done to our great nation; what is puzzling is that there are still millions of citizens who have been disparaged by his policies and actions that continue to ignore this corruption. We have become a nation of believers of what leaders say but indifferent to what they do. We have become a gullible people that read newspapers, watch TV and listen to radio and absorb the spin of reporters who have long since abandoned journalism in favor of promoting their personal biases. Voters have transitioned to becoming galvanized to a party no matter how vile the precepts of the party and their candidates. We are sheep being led by a wolf.

By our disengagement from core issues, tyranny will silently invade our legislative process, our halls of justice and the highest government office of the land. Learn the issues. Vote; it’s our only hope.

– Dick Baynton

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