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Protect The Mill Mountain Viewshed – Contact Council Now!

The cell tower will sit squarely in the middle of the view from Mill Mountain's observation deck.
The cell tower will sit squarely in the middle of the view from Mill Mountain’s observation deck.

Roanoke is a great place to live, work, play and visit. Recent studies promoting livability and outdoor branding recognize the importance of place.

Neighborhood advocates have always protected NYMBY – not in my back yard. Now Roanoke’s frontyard viewshed is being threatened. A 165 foot cell tower is being proposed for a triangular piece of property bordered by the Roanoke River, railroad tracks and adjacent to #581 and Franklin Road at Reserve Avenue.. It will be 165 feet tall with a 4 foot antenna and a red light.

Think this isn’t a big deal? Do you take out of town visitors to Mill Mountain and the Mill Mountain Zoo? The lower overlook on the mountain and the zoo observation platform focus straight ahead on this property. River’s Edge and River’s Edge North playing fields offer no buildings to camouflage the base of the tower or visual clutter for allowing the tower to blend into the background. Other sections of the city use the church steeples for wireless telecommunication locations.

Conventions, outdoor events like the Blue Ridge Marathon attract lots of dollars to the Valley’s economy. Other cell tower locations are available in this area.

Mill Mountain is everyone’s front yard. The Livability Study, February 2014,
says, ” we will safeguard our most valued sensitive streams, rivers, areas, and scenic views.”

Ask city council to vote NO on the proposed location to be voted on Monday, April 7 at 2:00 pm. Help Roanoke make a best 1st impression. City Councilmen Bestpitch and Trinkle support finding a better location for the tower. You can protect the viewshed from Mill Mountain and the Zoo. Encourage Roanoke officials to make a good 1st impression on tourists and businesses wanting to locate to Roanoke.

Leave a message for the Mayor and members of council. Contact: [email protected] or (540) 853-2541 or Elder Sherman Lea at 853-5676, Anita Price 853-2541,. David Bowers 853-2444, Ray Ferris, 853-2541, Bill Bestpitch 761-6566, Court Rosen, 597-3193 and Dr. Trinkle 314-8875.

Barbara N. Duerk


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