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A Little Spring Please?

Baby Owls SmallTwo Baby Great Horned Owl chicks hunker down together during last week’s winter weather that covered their nest in Roanoke City.

The chicks are born with eyes closed, often in late winter/very early spring and won’t start flying until they are 10 to 12 weeks old. Mama owl will probably still be hunting for them in the fall, as it takes close to a year for them to learn how to hunt.  Daddy owl is nearby and hoots to claim his territory but he lets Mama do most of the work. (Hmmm – sound familiar?)

The chicks are so sweet and when it’s cold they huddle side by side with their wings around each other.  They sleep a lot and getting a good picture of both of them with their eyes open took some time.  They are growing fast and the white downy feathers they were born with are being replaced with brown adolescent ones that will eventually give way to mature gray flight feathers. Watching and photographing them has truly been a blessing, a miracle and a sign that spring is on its way.      

–  Terry Aldhizer Caption and Pic

Note: When owls are flushed from their nest because of human disturbance they may be mobbed by other birds that notice them. Their babies then become vulnerable to the elements and predators. The young may also miss feedings affecting their survival.  Please do not disturb any active nest site.  

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