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AG Herring Ignores Oath of Office

Attorney General Mark Herring’s recent announcement that he will not defend Virginia’s constitutional ban on same-sex marriage represents a disturbing trend in liberal politics. Apparently he has misinterpreted his narrow election victory as a mandate to ignore his sworn duties and redefine the office to his own liking. Such is not the case.

What is at stake here is far more than whether same-sex marriage should be legal in the state of Virginia. As important as that question is, it pales in comparison to the violation of constitutional governance exemplified by the Attorney General’s decision. It marginalizes the role of the legislature and the courts, and ignores the will of the people. It nullifies our long-held commitment to the rule of law which is the very thing that has made ours the greatest nation on earth.

As James Madison warned us in Federalist Paper 47, “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of TYRANNY.” By declaring himself the sole arbiter in the question of same-sex marriage in Virginia, Herring clearly qualifies as a tyrant, as per Madison’s definition.

As an elected official and as a private citizen Mark Herring has every right to voice his disapproval of any law on the books and to pursue legal means for reversal. However, unless and until the citizens of Virginia repeal the constitutional amendment by majority vote or the courts declare it unconstitutional, he has a sworn duty to defend it. Not to do so is a clear dereliction of duty which in our opinion is grounds for immediate impeachment.

The Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation is a coalition of 40 independent Tea Party and patriot groups that stand for fiscal responsibility, Constitutionally-limited government, and free market principles.

– Travis Witt

The VA Tea Party

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