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Roanoke County: “The World Is Not Your Ashtray”

The first of Roanoke County's garbage collection vehicles to display the banner promoting the County's new anti-litter campaign. Other vehicles in the County fleet will feature smaller magnetic decals in the coming weeks.
The first of Roanoke County’s garbage collection vehicles to display the banner promoting the County’s new anti-litter campaign. Other vehicles in the County fleet will feature smaller magnetic decals in the coming weeks.

From cigarette butts at local intersections to discarded trash strewn along roads, litter continues to be an issue in the Roanoke Valley. To raise awareness about this problem, Cave Spring Supervisor Charlotte Moore has led a new initiative to help combat littering in Roanoke County.

Beginning in January, drivers will see temporary road signs at major County intersections reminding everyone that “The World Is Not Your Ashtray,” a clear reference to the growing number of cigarette butts appearing at intersections and road medians.

Along with the intersection signs, this new program will feature a local partnership with Lamar Advertising for billboard space and also include signage on County vehicles, including the County’s fleet of trash collection trucks.

“Supervisor Moore’s campaign against discarded cigarette butts is a great starting point for this program,” Assistant County Administrator Richard Caywood said. “It’s a visible problem that thousands of County motorists see every day. Our hope is that by raising awareness of this first issue, we can open everyone’s eyes to the larger problem of litter in the County. We plan on bringing additional ideas to the Board of Supervisors in the future.”

To support the launch of this new anti-littering campaign, Cave Spring Supervisor Moore and Virginia Senator Ralph Smith hosted local media at the Roanoke County Administration Center last Friday. Moore and Smith made remarks about the new efforts, highlighting the importance of working together to keep our community beautiful.

Roanoke County has also launched an online form citizens can use to report littering. This convenient web form will send littering complaints directly to Roanoke County Police for follow-up. Website visitors are encouraged to look for the Report Littering button on the County’s home page or go to

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