Bandfest 2014 wants you – if you belong to a teen garage band that is.
Bandfest is part of the annual YADAPP (youth alcohol and drug abuse prevention project) regional conference, where young people get together to hear messages about avoiding destructive behaviors like drinking or using drugs. On March 1 at Northside High School the popular Bandfest takes place, a battle of the bands that will be accompanied by messages about those destructive behaviors.
“We recently extended the deadline,” said Roanoke County Schools community relations specialist Chuck Lionberger about the applications from bands that want to participate. Signup is through the county schools website; bands can send links to audio or video of a performance. Lionberger says 6-8 groups will be chosen for Bandfest. The deadline for sign up is January 31.
The bands can come from any locality in the Greater Roanoke Valley area; they do not have to reside in the county. There are cash prizes involved. Lionberger said in the past hundreds have come out to watch Bandfest. “The whole point of Bandfest is that we’re putting on an event where kids can come out, have a good time and enjoy being a teenager – but also understand that they don’t have to resort to risky behavior or alcohol or drugs or anything like that.”
Bandfest will include messages about “making smart choices,” said Lionberger, “and [often] they don’t understand the long range implication of making those poor choices.” If the message is delivered along with some music it may be a little more palatable for the average teen. The Roanoke County Prevention Council is a partner with the YADAPP Conference and Bandfest as well.
By Gene Marrano