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Republicans Continue To Undermine Obamacare

Dear Congressman Goodlatte,
Not a single day goes by without a large part of your Contingency here in Southwestern Virginia fearing that their representative governance has been further compromised by the hypocritical and obstructionist actions taken by Griffith, Hurt and You.
Today is no different. Forget the “messenger,” but please hear the message below.
In response to a question from the media, Republican Governor Scott Walker offers the suggestion that in lieu of the “fatally flawed” healthcare program called ‘Obamacare,”  conservatives should reach out to a  group like the right -leaning think tank Heritage Foundation for the suggested framework, and thoughts.
Well…those who follow the same initiatives know that the President also did just that when he structured “Obamacare” around the Heritage Foundation Plan, which was endorsed by a host of Republican Congressmen including Hatch and Grassley. So where was Governor Scott Walker ‘coming from’ regarding his suggestion?
In essence, House obstruction on “your own” Republican healthcare plan now called “Obamacare” has cost the U.S. Citizenry zillions of dollars, and valuable legislative time for three years running. Your Party does not have a replacement plan for “Obamacare” today, because “Obamacare” is a Republican Heritage Foundation plan. What hypocrisy. It seems that the Republican Party will do ‘anything” to denigrate the Obama Presidency and its accomplishments.
We The People Deserve More.
Ed Reynolds

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