Imagine saving for many years for retirement and seeing those dreams fall through your fingers. One year ago, Shereen Khalifa was planning her retirement from 62 years of dedicated service with JCPenny. She prepared for all her extra expenses and paid off items where she could. Unfortunately, her meticulous plan was interrupted in the blink of an eye. While working in her kitchen, Khalifa slipped and hit her head on the refrigerator. Although a little confused and caught off guard, she was able to assess her injuries and felt that no major damage had been done. Until the next day, when while out with friends she lost vision in her left eye.
Khalifa quickly called Vistar Eye Center where she was referred to Dr. Craig Hartranft, a retina specialist, who diagnosed her with a retinal detachment and immediately scheduled her for surgery at Lewis-Gale Medical Center. The surgery was a success, but at the time Khalifa did not have medical insurance. The hospital worked with her on the cost and set up a payment plan. But with a total expense of $13,000, Khalifa’s hopes of a good retirement was put on the back burner and she took a job with Goodwill Industries to pay for her unexpected surgery.
To make matters worse, just two months later, a cataract formed in the injured eye. Although complications are rare, formations of a cataract after retina detachment surgery due to an injury can occur. Cataracts are when the natural lens of the eye becomes cloudy and must be replaced with a new man-made lens. Cataracts affect about half of Americans ages 65 to 74 but can also occur after a traumatic injury to the eye,“I had drained all my resources to pay for the retina detachment surgery,” said Khalifa. “My family is from Egypt. And I didn’t want to ask them for money. So I was at a loss.”
This was until one of the doctors at Vistar Eye Center told her about the Cataract Care Day. For the past 6 years, Vistar Eye Center, Eye Care and Surgery and the Roanoke Valley Center for Sight have offered free cataract surgery to individuals in SW Virginia who have no access to medical insurance and meet financial qualifications. The out of pocket expense for cataract surgery is approximately $3500.
“I was so happy I cried for days when I received that letter of approval,” said Khalifa.
This year’s event was held on Friday, Dec 13 – a lucky day for all nine patients. After checking in and being prepped by a volunteer staff of nurses and doctors, Khalifa was taken into the operating room for her 20 minute procedure. Within just a few minutes after her surgery, Khalifa was already discussing a book she was excited about reading.
“I have been collecting books and movies for years,” said Khalifa. “I can’t wait to start enjoying them again.”
Thanks to the volunteer staff at the Roanoke Valley Center for Sight, Drs. Stuart Tims and Jon Brisley at Vistar Eye Center and Dr. William Thompson at Eye Care and Surgery Khalifa and the other patients left the center in much higher spirits and a much better outlook on life.