On Saturday, eleven Roanoke City families, representing 47 children, filled the Straight Street Dining Area and enjoyed a delicious breakfast while waiting in anticipation for Santa Claus to arrive. The Roanoke City Sheriff’s office has partnered with Straight Street for two years on the Family Christmas Program. Straight Street is a nonprofit organization located in Downtown Ronaoke that ministers to at risk youth. Keith Farmer, director of Straight Street said, “This is a wonderful program, the kids are having so much fun.”
Santa arrived in a Humvee escorted by Sheriff’s Deputies and the families poured into the Game Room. The children had many questions for Santa about the North Pole and the Humvee. Everyone gathered around the fireplace and Lieutenant Brian Geiser led the group singing Christmas Carols. Straight Street’s Youth Minister had everyone’s attention when he told the “Christmas Story” with a new twist, “Herod the Grench.”
Each family had photos taken with Santa and every child received a stocking filled with goodies. There were boxes filled to the brim with gifts for each family. Belk’s donated a stuffed bear for each child and Walmart contributed a turkey and side dishes for every family. The Roanoke City Sheriff’s Office and Sheriff Octavia Johnson extended a sincere thank you to everyone that helped make the Family Christmas program a success.
Sheriff Johnson established the Family Christmas Program in 2011 to build positive relationships between Sheriff’s Deputies and the community they serve. The Sheriff’s Office raised funds and collected gifts throughout the year to give less fortunate children in the community an opportunity to share in the Christmas Spirit. Since the inception of the program in December 2011, the Sheriff’s Office has provided Christmas for 28 families, representing 97 children, in the City of Roanoke.
Members of Roanoke City Schools recommend children for participation in the program. Children must be residents of Roanoke City, between the ages of six and eleven and have a social or economic need. The Family Christmas program is an opportunity for a family to have a positive law enforcement influence through personal interaction with a Deputy.
– Carla M. Bream