Floyd artist and author, Charlie Brouwer, is taking the lead position in a local/regional artists’ challenge: he will donate half the proceeds of his studio sales during the month of December to support Jacksonville Center programs, and he challenges fellow artists to do the same.
Through this program, called 50/50 4 JAX, Brouwer hopes to encourage artists to participate in not only building their audiences via tapping into the Jacksonville Center’s marketing network and audiences, but also to contribute to the “cycle of support that keeps artisanship, craft, and fine art a vital aspect of the community’s culture.”
Additionally, he hopes to encourage holiday shoppers to visit his studio and consider a gift of hand-made art for those special people on their gift-buying lists.
“I really enjoy hosting visitors to my studio and sculpture trail,” says Brouwer. “All someone has to do is call or email for a time when I know I’ll be here, and come by.” Many Roanoke and New River Valley residents are aware of Brouwer’s large outdoor public sculptures, found in surprising venues across the region. But many don’t realize that he does smaller works suitable for indoor display, too.
“I have items that are large and small; for indoors and outdoors; and ranging in price from $30 to $8000.”
Brouwer conceived this challenge for his fellow artists as a benefit not only for the region’s oldest publicly-accessible community arts center, but also for each individual artist that participates. For its part, The Jacksonville Center will promote the studios of 50/50 4 JAX artists during the term of their program involvement, which can be defined by each individual artist.
Brouwer chose the month of December, but others might pick the season of Valentines or Easter/Spring gift-buying; June wedding gift season; or the Autumn Colors season for their 50/50 4 JAX program. The length of donations-from-sales can also be chosen by participants: Brouwer chose a month, but others might define their program differently.
“The Jax marketing channels run wide and deep,” points out Linda Fallon, Jacksonville Center board president. “Artists who can participate will definitely get a ‘word of mouth’ boost from becoming a 50/50 4 JAX player.”
“The idea is actually not much different from any agreement an artist might make when selling through commercial galleries,” says Brouwer. “In that case, the gallery handles promotions and offers the space, and the artist splits the income from the sales.” He points out, however, that unlike most gallery situations in which artists “pad” the prices to cover the gallery’s “take,” this program is intended to preserve the normal customer pricing from the artists’ individual studios.
“50/50 4 JAX might also encourage patrons and purchasers to come to a studio they might not otherwise visit; or to buy local art through a discovery they might not have made without the program,” suggests Brouwer.
Jax representatives say: “Where the 50% of sales donated to The Jax meets or exceeds membership dues amounts, the participating artists who choose to do so can apply some of that donation toward a membership.” Benefits of membership with Jax include discounts on some admissions, some gift shop sales, and all classes.
Interested artists are encouraged to get into touch with both Brouwer and The Jax. For more information visit jacksonvillecenter.org or call 540-745-2784. The Jax is located at 220 Parkway Lane South in Floyd, ½ mile south of the stoplight on Route 8. Regular business hours are Monday to Saturday, 10AM – 5PM and Sunday, Noon – 5PM.