“A Tribute to Veteran’s” presented by the Faith Christian School Drama Department was held on Friday, November 8th at the School. The morning began with students greeting Veterans and visitors to the School by lining the parking lot and hallways, waving flags, saluting, and wishing them a “Happy Veterans Day.”
The program began with the Presentation of Colors, the Pledge of Allegiance, The Star Spangled Banner, and a special invocation by FCS alum Brett Jones, who graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 2008, was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Army, and served two tours in Afghanistan and Iraq.
A Tribute was performed by the FCS Drama II Students and Charlie Cox, 2nd grader, including songs, recitations, and actual letters from soldiers. Drama Teacher Barbara Johnson then recognized the names and ranks of all Veterans attending the performance.
After the Armed Forces Medley and Presentation of branch Flags, everyone was treated to a beautiful rendition of Taps performed by special guest Ted Bogsrud, age 90, US Navy (ret), who served as a sub chaser in WWII.