Robert Louis Stevenson was a Scot, born in Edinburgh in 1850; attended the Edinburgh Academy and the University of Edinburgh. Stevenson was a novelist, poet, essayist and travel writer. His timeless works appear in publications in many languages all over the world. What stands out is his commentary on the human condition. One of his observations is so perceptive as to be awesome. Here are his words, “Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary.”
That is the answer we have been looking for! The words of Robert Louis Stevenson have been with us for more than 100 years and now the secret is out. Now we know why Kwame Kilpatrick could be elected Mayor of Detroit, how Bob Filner became Mayor of San Diego and why Detroit School Board President Otis Mathis could be functionally illiterate! Now it is clear how Terry McAuliffe, an abject business failure and hack fundraiser for the Clintons can seek the Virginia Governor’s job. Alan Grayson (D-FL) is an over-educated insolent dolt equating the Tea Party with the KKK.
Now we understand how city councils can spend taxpayer appropriations on losing propositions yet get reelected. It is clear how we can elect members of Congress perpetually until they become multi-millionaires and have generous benefits and retirements beyond our reach. And voters drop billions into the yawning vortex of the campaign colanders!
Clergy spend years in seminaries, nurses undergo rigid training and doctors spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and many years learning their craft, art and science. Leaders of government don’t take proficiency tests or even have a driver’s license. The critical requirements for President are they must be age 35 (or older) and have been born in the United States. There are a lot of people that might have picked ‘politics’ as a profession had they only been able to read the words of Robert Louis Stevenson.
Consider these comments by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi; in an interview in February of this year, she said that we don’t have a spending problem; we have a budget deficit problem. When asked where spending could be reduced, she said that there is no place else to cut. In 2011, she made the remark that extending unemployment benefits would create 600,000 jobs. Senate Whip Steny Hoyer stated that we have a paying-for problem. Either these officials skipped fourth grade arithmetic, flunked economics, never took it or ignored the seminar on ethics. They lack the integrity to represent taxpayers.
At a Missouri Ford Motor plant, Mr. Obama recently explained that raising the debt ceiling isn’t the same as approving more spending. Technically, he’s correct but misleading nevertheless. If the debt ceiling is not raised, no incremental spending can go forward but when the debt ceiling is raised, virtually unlimited taxpayer funds will be squandered, as over the past five years.
The President has been spreading the allegory that Obamacare will save families about $2,500 per year. It is traditional that many politicians and government people distort numbers, facts and theories. Lies and blame seem to be components of many government communications with no consequences or apologies. However, if you violate one of the thousands of regulations or IRS rules, you will find yourself on the wrong end of accusations, audits, fines and tax penalties.
The cost of regulations introduced during the Obama administration exceeds $500 billion. Just as developers must submit environmental impact statements before beginning a project, government should be required to justify regulations by creating economic impact statements. For example, Mr. Obama is committed to extirpating the coal industry. Does anyone in government have any concept of the economic impact of this colossal shift?
Referring to the remarks of Robert Louis Stevenson, candidates for political office ought to repeat one important vow when taking their oath of office, “First do no harm.” Surely the 20 physicians and surgeons in the 113th Congress would agree.
– Dick Baynton