In an effort to curb increasing costs associated with our regular print issue and to stay focused on our continued on-line growth The Roanoke Star will be going to a bi-weekly publication schedule starting on January 11th, 2013 (the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month.)
Many of you have been loyal subscribers since we began publication on Nov 22nd, 2007 and we cannot thank you enough for your support. Unfortunately, over the last five years production and mailing costs have steadily risen to a point that 52 week subscriptions at our current rates are no longer possible.
Accordingly, we would like to ask you to continue your commitment by remaining a subscriber at our present $55 rate for 24 issues yearly and daily online access at Doing so will permit the continued positive, in-depth local coverage you’ve come to expect, while allowing us to increase the page count of each bi-weekly edition.
If, however, you desire a pro-rated partial refund for the reduced number of issues delivered, you may contact our business office at 400-0990 or send an email to: [email protected].
Your continued support is deeply appreciated and will ensure our growth and success in the coming years as we use the most efficient means possible to “tell the greater story” of the Roanoke Valley. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly by phone or email with any suggestions or questions you may have.
Stuart Revercomb
Stuart H. Revercomb
Direct Phone: 540-330-7335
Email: [email protected]