It’s Summertime and . . .

byMike Keeler

The livin’ is  . . . (WAIT, hold that thought!  The senior prom is tonight and number-one-son’s limo just fell through.  Quick, where are the yellow pages?  Call 10 places.  No more available!  But one guy knows a guy who knows a guy… rings us back.  How about an SUV for 6?  That’ll work.  Cash only?  The other kids’ parents can pay us back their share.  OK, done.)

Now as we were saying, as the lazy days of summer…

(Wait, you’re driving to the next-day-party in the Poconos?  Son needs to get his senior license at the DMV.  Quick, find the birth certificate, the Social Security card and the 2011 tax return that proves our son is not, in fact, an illegal immigrant.  Off he goes to the tuxedo rental place; he can swing by the DMV on the way home.)

Isn’t it great once a kid’s senior year is over?  You can just sit back and…

(Wait, email just came in from his new University.  What’s that?  They need the health forms they sent us a month ago.  They need to be returned TODAY?  Quick, call over to the pediatrician, they’ve got that stuff on file, we can swing by on the way to the bank to get the cash for the SUV…)

(Son just called, the debit card isn’t working down at the DMV!  Quick, read him the credit card number…)

So, as were saying, um…

(What do you mean, “what’s a corsage?!  No, we don’t know where your backpack went.  Yes the camera battery is fully charged.  What’s that?  You need to bring 50 hamburgers, buns and condiments?  No problem, we’ll just buy the frozen ones and you can bring it all right in this cooler…oh, don’t look in there, that’s disgusting!  The barber shop called, they’ve got your backpack?  Great, go get it!  No gas?  Just use the debit card…no, that doesn’t work…or, here…take this credit card…)

Okay, he’s on his way, hope he has fun.

(Wait! Number-two-son just walked in the door with a nasty case of poison ivy…)

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