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Yoga Teacher Presents the Body as Art

Caryl Connolly demonstrates a “Warrior II” pose.

Beginning Oct. 27, the beauty, strength and balance of the human body will be revealed twice a week at the Art Beyond Center Gallery at Center in the Square.

Certified yoga teacher Caryl Connolly, of Roanoke, explained that she is collaborating with Deborah Goglia, of the Art Beyond Center, to create a series of yoga classes in the gallery space in a program called The Art of Yoga.

“I just thought, how cool would it be to practice and teach yoga surrounded by the energy of the artists and all of their work,” Connolly said of the opportunity to hold class in the gallery space.

Although the yoga classes are not an actual exhibit, there is an artistic parallel between art and yoga, Connolly said.

“There’s a correlation between art and yoga. With yoga you’re sculpting the human body into a piece of your own art. Each pose is an individual expression that will change every time you do it.”

Connolly said she is hoping to register between eight and ten students for each of her classes, with all experience levels welcome.”The great thing about yoga is you can always take each pose, even an elementary pose suitable for beginners, and extend it further for advanced students,” Connolly said.

Connolly said the classes are great for people who live and/or work in the downtown area who want to do something good for their body in a beautiful surrounding after work or on their lunch break.

For more information on The Art of Yoga visit: or call 540-588-0548.

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