Dear Editor,
I would like to thank Valerie Garner for her fine coverage of our new council’s first meeting.
Over the years some us have never let up on the issue of holding work seassions downstairs in what is a most inadequate room. We have long pushed for such sessions to be more up front, out in the open and held in council chambers. An even worse situation has been public briefings that are listed on the council agenda and then at the last minute moved into the conference room – out of sight and behind doors from the viewing public.
Mr. Bestpitch is to be commended for his effort on all fronts for more transparency. What was not reported, however, was Mr. Bestpitch’s bringing up of my request to council to change the due date of property taxes. The public should be aware of this suggestion in case they desire to give council needed feed back or opinion on this matter.
As has been the practise, taxes were due this past June 1st but unfortunately, many elderly and retired who live and depend on their Social Security Check do not have these funds at the end of the month. Social Security checks are debited to ones checking account on the 3rd of the month. Those who are forced to wait and pay three or four days late are then hit with and additional late fee. My suggestion to council was, “why couldn’t the due date fall on the 5th of the month? Would it really effect accounting that much? Why not write into law or code a five day grace period with no late fees involved. The matter was referred for review and I hope will come up for approval at a future meeting.
– E. Duane Howard, Roanoke
Geeze Duane! SS checks arrive throughout the month as I understand it based on ones date of birth (day). So why not just exempt all who get ss fro paying taxes.
Geeze Duane! SS checks arrive throughout the month as I understand it based on ones date of birth (day). So why not just exempt all who get ss from paying taxes.