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Farmer Takes Initiative – Bails Hay From Golf Course

Free-spirit farmer, Linwood Caldwell, mows Countryside.

Linwood Caldwell, 75, has been mowing around Countryside Golf Course for 55 years. Caldwell began mowing the 12th fairway Monday, planning to bail the hay Tuesday morning barring any precipitation.

He and his brother have mowed parts of the golf course and airport property for hay to store in his barn. He estimates that 350 rolls will fill his barn to bulging — he will sell any additional rolls.

Caldwell has about 14 head of cattle on his Bradshaw road farm. He said his mower alone cost $4800. He reminisced back to the days when diesel fuel was only 45 cents a gallon and twine for bailing was $10.95. A team of horses did his first mowing in 1949. He bailed in squares until he got a roller.

Nowadays, he pays $2.45 a gallon for diesel and $36.95 for twine. It costs him $400 in fuel just to mow the Countryside property.

His papers from the city still sat at home waiting for a signature Monday. He became frustrated at spending the last month dealing with Lynn DeHart of the Parks and Recreation Department. They wanted him to trim and weed-eat in addition, he said. Caldwell just wanted to do it for free.

He pulled out a map given to him by Parks and Recreation and said, “They didn’t even know what property was theirs and what was the airport’s.” A resident who lived on the 12th fairway helped explain the parts of the land swapped with the airport.

Assistant Manager Brian Townsend insists that “legally” they only have to mow a 50 foot perimeter around the golf course and abutting property. Townsend got specific, saying that “it is not a park but open space.”

“It is almost too late to get the hay,” said Caldwell. When asked what he meant by that he explained that it could grow too high — undergrowth can make the hay unusable. He added something about it turning green (that this city slicker didn’t quite understand).

The papers he had yet to sign say he needed to post a $500,000 bond and sign a liability waiver. Caldwell said, “If they don’t like it they can let it grow up.” He said, “I ain’t a contractor I’m a farmer.”

He explained that he was covered by the Farm Bureau.

He gets 40 bails of hay when mowing the Lawrence Transfer property across I-581 and “they are grateful,” said Caldwell.

While his recent colon surgery slowed him down, his friend Jim Brown took over the tractor to finish the 12th fairway. Caldwell, resting by his pickup truck, was all smiles talking about farming, his children and grandchildren. He is giving them parcels of his property to build their homes.

Caldwell’s resistance to the “establishment” has won the hearts and the protection of the community. When they refer to Caldwell he is called the “free spirit of Countryside.”

By Valerie Garner
[email protected]

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