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Natural Resource Preservation Plea: Preserve Our Dark Night Skies

A favorite phrase reminds me that “in wonder is the beginning of wisdom.” And I would suggest that, in the darkness of the night sky, for so many of us, has come the beginning of wonder.

And yet, over a large portion of the developed world, less than 100 stars are visible in the night sky—often, fewer than 10. During the occasional grid-failure black-outs in large American cities, urban populations have been “star struck” to see the Milky Way for the first time, between skyscrapers and from their own back yards.

Here in northeastern Floyd County, we see the edge of our own galaxy often, but less intensely than we did even a decade ago. The orange glow of Salem and Christiansburg’s 460 bypass lighting have obliterated an uncertain portion of our stars by their misdirected lights. Urban sky glow can extend up to 150 miles from its source.

To appreciate the growth in numbers of errant light sources that lead to astronomical sky pollution, one needs do no more than look at a night map of the world from space ( or remember a flight you’ve taken anywhere in the eastern US after dark. It’s amazing how lit-up our nation is at all hours.

The surprising thing is how much of that ground-produced light is allowed to shine UP into space rather than out and down where it is needed. This is known as clutter: bright, confusing and excessive groupings of light sources that contribute to urban sky glow, light trespass and glare.

Outdoor lighting that shines directly upward is reported to waste 3.6 million tons of coal or 12.9 million barrels of oil a year. This flagrant misuse of energy doesn’t even include lights left on in cities overnight in empty office buildings.

Better lighting technology is possible (including shielding and motion-sensing), and might soon be mandated. offers both educational and practical information on using less and better lighting—a future change that must start at home.

Besides unwanted light in the sky, there is the matter of environmental light pollution and its impact on both wildlife and human health and behavior. The most widely recognized consequences of stray light on wildlife is perhaps in its effect on migrating birds and sea turtles.

The response to light among earth’s animals is hardwired into their nervous systems, and beachfront lighting or illuminated towers or skyscrapers give signals that misdirect them to their deaths. Hundreds of millions of birds die every year from collisions with illuminated towers and buildings. We’re only just beginning to appreciate the unintended impact of light injury, and not just for the wildlife.

Studies show that the circadian (daily light-dark) cycle controls from ten to fifteen percent of our genes, so the disruption of this pattern can cause a lot of health problems—even cancers. This is particularly an issue for shift workers over time. You will hear more about the role of light in human health in the coming years.

Consider that in June 2009, the American Medical Association “adopted resolutions that support the reduction of light pollution and glare and advocate for the use of energy efficient, fully shielded outdoor lighting. Ongoing research continues to probe the connection between natural darkness and human health.”

Let’s start locally to re-embrace the dark. Visit a nearby observatory at SELU, Apple Ridge, or Primland to see what you’ve been missing in the cosmos. Take yourself and your children out at night this summer, regularly and on purpose. Carry along a copy of “Stars: A New Way to See Them” by H. A. Rey (highly recommended by my kids!) Become reacquainted with the dome of night and the wonders it can offer. Light up a child’s life by introducing them to one of our lesser-known natural resources: the marvel of SW Virgina’s star-studded darkness!


By Fred First
[email protected]

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