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Commentary: Another Sad Day Gone By

Imagine…another year goes by and nobody is singing.  Nobody calls.  Nobody celebrates.  So much was invested in this very special day but most seem oblivious to the absolute wonder and greatness of it.  What a shame.

You can be sure though that for most church-goers Easter won’t be forgotten.  New dresses and outfits will be having one-and-all look their very best.  And let’s not forget the chocolate bunny eggs.  Yum!

Of course Christmas reigns as perhaps the most unforgettable holiday of them all.  Families getting together…and lots of toys-n-stuff.  Still, perhaps the most wonderful day of them all will go by with not so much as a wimper.  It has quickly become one of the secular church’s best kept secrets.

For those who carefully and diligently study the bible, the cornerstone of all truth, the Word of God, will find themselves as puzzled as I.  You see, our Lord and Savior’s last will and testimony wasn’t given just prior to His death on the cross, but rather moments before lift-off on what we know as the day of the ascension.  For much of Jesus Christ’s ministry was spent in instructing and preparing his apostles in receiving holy spirit, the gift, the promise from the Father.  Don’t take my word for it, read it for yourself in Luke 24:49 and Acts 1:5,8.

Ten days after the ascension, after having done exactly as they were commanded, the apostles received into manifestation that promised gift from the Father.   Not only they, but all those who would call on the name of the Lord.  You see, that day, that very special day was the birth of the church to which you and I belong.  That day is called Pentecost and how beautifully recorded in Acts 2:1-4.  Not only did it become available for any living soul to be born again, but our heavenly Father also provided a special gift to be used and enjoyed by each as well (see I Cor. 12:1ff).

This year, Pentecost, the birthday of the Christian church, is to be celebrated on May 23rd.  I pray that wherever you find yourself gathering together on that day with other like-minded believers, that you take a moment and wish each other a Happy Birthday, and don’t forget to check out that really neat gift.  Your Father would be pleased. Happy Birthday!

– Raymond McKee, Roanoke VA

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