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Cave Spring Gets a Visit from Abe

Abe Lincoln participates in class prior to reading to the children at Cave Spring Elementary.

A recent Friday at Cave Spring Elementary School was lively and noisy everywhere except the Library.  While a raucous parade complete with banners and dragons stomped through the halls in celebration of the Chinese New Year, a class of attentive youngsters listened as the librarian read about Abraham Lincoln.  Jaws dropped as a few fidgety kids turned their head and saw old Abe himself standing in the library.  He had arrived to speak to the next group of kids.

Mr. Robert Adams, the Board Chairman of Subway of Roanoke, was dressed as the venerable president to encourage the children to read.  The father of five children read from the scholastic book series titled “Let’s Read About Abraham Lincoln,” by Sonia Black.  As the first grade class he was presenting to entered the library there were waves and comments from numbers of students.

President Lincoln’s portrait graces the five dollar bill, which provided a great opportunity for a tie-in. Students were presented with gift certificates for a “five dollar foot long” along with a copy of the book that was being read.  The students proved the efficacy of marketing when some of them spontaneously broke into the song made infamous by the commercial upon learning they were receiving a five dollar gift certificate.

When offered the opportunity to ask “Abe” questions, one of the students asked in all sincerity, “Didn’t somebody shoot you?” Indeed, but Lincoln lives on in reputation and effective marketing.

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