The General Assembly passed Virginia’s last two year budget just 34 minutes after it was distributed to legislators. Senator Ralph K. Smith (R-Botetourt) has announced that he is introducing legislation that would require the budget be posted online for 72 hours before a vote could be taken.
“Virginians expect their legislators to make informed decisions and that is not possible with just half an hour to review the entire budget. The budget bill is so thick, you can hardly carry it from one room to another in that time,” said Smith. “The goal of SB 5 is to bring the budget discussion out of Capitol Square and into the public square. Taxpayers deserve a little time to review the budget before their legislators commit over 70 billion of their tax dollars to a biennium budget,” added Smith.
Smith’s legislation, SB 5, was introduced today as part of the Virginia Conservative Caucus’ 2010 legislative agenda. The Virginia Conservative Caucus is a group of General Assembly members committed to encouraging job creation, strengthening families, limiting government, and defending freedom.
“Some legislators fear a 72 hour delay would slow down the budget process. That is the entire point,” said Smith.