St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church members have voted to leave the ELCA, the church’s national organization, in favor of joining the LCMC, a more conservative denomination. Of the 450 votes cast, 350 were in favor of leaving the ELCA, passing by 77%.
The reason behind the recent vote was due to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) deciding to allow gay clergy, as long as they were in a monogamous, committed relationship. The more conservative Lutheran Congregations in Missions for Christ (LCMC) are opposed to gay clergy, and in fact was formed in response to what it perceives as a more liberal Lutheran theology.
The ELCA’s proposed Social Statement on Human Sexuality states their decision is grounded in Scripture and key Lutheran principles. It further states that they looked to the relationship of God to God’s people and all of creation as a model for relationships, and that human sexuality is not limited to what is private or individual but is shaped by social forces.
The statement goes on to say “This church also acknowledges that consensus does not exist concerning how to regard same-gender committed relationships, even after many years of thoughtful, respectful and faithful study and conversation. We do not have agreement on whether this church should honor these relationships, uplift, shelter and protect them.”
In Pastor Mark Graham’s response to the Social Statement, he writes, “The Bible defines marriage as when a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. You shall not lie with a male as with a woman, it is an abomination (Lev. 18:22). Besides, marriage is the chief metaphor the Bible uses, from beginning to end, of God’s relationship to his people. And marriage is clearly defined in Scripture as the union of a man and a woman, two persons who are complementary but different (Gen. 1 & 2).”
Pastor Graham and others in the congregation said that they do not view the vote as being anti-gay but rather an effort to stand up for Scripture and its authority.
By Carla Bream [email protected]