John Robinson

JOHNNY ROBINSON: The Dream Machine

Best I can figure, I’ve been using the same alarm clock since about 1982. The same one, just about every night since then. Huh. It’s one of those common old...

Walking With Friends – Through Chemo and Beyond

It’s 6:00 AM, pitch dark and cold. I’m in front of my house stretching my...

JOHNNY ROBINSON: Walking With Friends – Through Chemo and Beyond

It’s 6:00 AM, pitch dark and cold. I’m in front of my house stretching my...

Playing on The Railroad Tracks

My Aunt Flip and Uncle Walter lived in a small white frame house right smack...

JOHNNY ROBINSON: The Many Joys of Backyard Picnicking

In the warmer months we ate dinner on the picnic table in our backyard almost...

JOHNNY ROBINSON: More Than Just Walking to School

Today there's a train blocking my path. I’ve been moving lightly on foot along the worn trail, two text books and two spiral notebooks tucked...

JOHNNY ROBINSON: Easter Island – Into the Mystic

The huge waves roll in relentlessly. They rear up in anticipation of their violent meeting with the unyielding rock of the coast, spray blown...

The Bears of Kings Canyon

The hand-written notice at the campground registration kiosk is an eyebrow-raiser. It says, "Attention: Bears have been breaking into cars here. DO NOT store...

JOHNNY ROBINSON: I Am The Crawlspace Ninja

I’m stretched out and almost stuck. Like a horizontal version of a statue of Athena I lie there figuring / planning my next step....

JOHNNY ROBINSON: On Being a Library Nerd

She couldn't help it really. She just had to pass it on to me. It was in her blood and so sure enough it’s...

JOHNNY ROBINSON: Lessons and Inspiration From My Nieces and Nephews

Ok, so I don't have any grandchildren, even though I am certainly old enough to be a granddad. Perhaps before long I will reach...