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Of Bears and Men and Meeting in the Woods . . . Revisited

I've thought much on this woman-meets-man-or-bear-alone-in-the-woods meme, and I tried to write on it yesterday. Whatever else it may be, my effort to understand is an example of visceral...

Between Politicians and University Students, America Becomes Both Guilty and Victim

The United States has become both the guilty and the victim! It is a nation...

Of Bears and Men and Meeting in the Woods

Sadly, a meme, while giving voice to fears of women, added insult to injury instead...

Hope of Israel Congregation Remembers The 6 Million Murdered in The Holocaust

On a quiet Sunday evening a somber 'Hope of Israel' congregation remembered the six million...

MORGAN GRIFFITH: A Very Problematic Healthcare Hack

Our country is experiencing a massive shift in technology. Our daily activities often revolve around...


It is a truism that every baby born into the world is equal to every other person in the world at the instant of...

JOY SYLVESTER JOHNSON: Gratitude For Love and Life

This Morning . . .I spend a moment each morning considering my own death. I know each day, each breath, brings me closer to...

MIKE KEELER: We All Need a Few More Jolts of Hot Sauce

If the day's news has got you down, what you need is a jolt of hot sauce.But first, some history. In the 1860's, Edmund...

DICK BAYNTON: Virtue & Victims

What is emerging in politics is counterfeit virtue and real victims. Virtue is now an intellectual commodity that can be mauled and manipulated into...

LUCKY GARVIN: The Return of The Smidge-miester

I have withheld telling this story for about six months. The occasion of my reticence is I didn’t know if he would survive the...

DICK BAYNTON: Sanctuary Jurisdictions

In year 2000 there were 11 sanctuary jurisdictions in the U.S., by 2009 there were 40 sanctuaries, by 2016, there were 338 and in...